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Why write this book? To educate. So many men and women do not know even the basics about anatomy. So, to make learning more fun and simple, I've brought it to Wattpad and turned it into a little girl discussion group, which isn't just for girls and women, but I'm fairly certain females make up the majority.
I think it's sad that a lot women don't know the difference between a vagina and vulva. I think it's important for men and women alike to at least know the basics of menstruation, intercourse and pregnancy.

Are these books really educational? Yes! All of my information I get from top notch resources. I get all my facts from the best M.D.'s in the world. I often provide names and descriptions at the bottom of the chapters that the individual has overlooked.
I get all my information straight from a verified professional source. I do not google random myths, claim them as facts and try to trick everybody. I'm genuinely just wanting to spread knowledge and awareness to help others for free, rather then them having to pay for consultations or subscriptions because that is ridiculous.

Why read this book? This book isn't just sex and periods. I promise. I talk about a lot more than just sex and periods, even if it doesn't seem like it lol
I'll admit, I mostly talk about sex. Probably 80% of the chapters are about sex, 15% are about periods and the other 5% is divided between fitness, health, STDs/STIs, acne, and pregnancy.

I personally think it's important to read this book, no matter your gender or age or sexuality, because no matter who you are, these issues will affect you in some way.
My periods don't just affect me, they affect my husband, and not just because I'm moody and hangry! As most of you are aware, sometimes women get really frisky on their periods. What do you do if that happens to you? Period sex?? Ewww!?
(It's important not to judge. Some men and women have absolutely no problem with period sex and many find great comfort in it. Some say it reduces their cramps. It personally hasn't worked like that for me, but I still wouldn't say eww to period sex!)
But I think it's important to know what to do if you ever run into a situation like that. Most adults don't know what to do in these types of situations so I think it's important to teach the kids, who are young adults.
(If you don't already know, prepare for period sex by placing a towel down, a condom is a must! (to protect you against infections), and you should shower afterwards). I have an entire chapter dedicated specifically to period sex in book one, probably more than just one chapter honestly. That's why I title my chapters, so if you remember reading a helpful chapter and you need advice in a pinch, you could easily just scroll through the table of contents until you find the one labeled with whatever you need help with.

Why write a second book? Well, there's always room for improvement and I believe we can always learn something new. Book One has been going since 2019, and it was going strong then, but I had a mental breakdown, took a couple years off, so I'm bringing it back for a Vol. 2 in 2022.
And there's only room for 200 chapters in each book and it's completely full so I assumed I'd need to make a new book. Plus, I really enjoy writing these books. I love writing period. But I really love writing about periods! (And sex, and STDs, and discharge, and even more sex..) I truthfully just really enjoy spreading these wonderful helpful facts.
I do, in fact, think these books are very helpful, very resourceful. Every day I see more and more fake facts getting spread around like wildfire. Specifically on social media and those horrible life hack pages.  And spreading dumb 'facts' like "sperm dies once it hits the air" or "put perfumes in your vag because it's safe and nobody wants a smelly vagina".
First of all, no!! Those are both so incredibly wrong!
*Sperm can survive inside the vagina for seven days. That's why many people get their due dates wrong and think that their baby was born a week late, but in reality the baby was actually born right on time!
So, say you have unprotected intercourse on Monday and that's one of your infertile days. But you start ovulating on Friday. You could actually get pregnant on Friday once ovulation starts and that sperm takes. Even though you didn't have sex, you only had sex on Monday which was a low chance for pregnancy; Friday was ovulation and sperm can survive for an entire week in the vagina.

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