Hate the Wait: What Are the Earliest Signs of Pregnancy?

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Whatever the reason you think you might be pregnant, playing the waiting game until you can take a pregnancy test is officially The Worst. So what are some of the earliest signs you could be pregnant (and I stress, could)? I've got the lowdown...

Your Period Is Late

A late or missing period is the most obvious sign, right? Right. But don't start reading into it as soon as the clock strikes midnight on your first day late! Most of us don't have a cycle that runs like clockwork — in fact, cycle length can vary up to seven days and still be considered regular.

You Thought You Had Your Period ... Then It Went Away Again

If you were due, had a little spotting, and then ... nothing, there's a chance it might have been implantation bleeding, not your period. This is when - if you were pregnant - an embryo would implant into the lining of the uterus, which can cause some very light bleeding.

Your Breasts Look Or Feel Different

Pregnancy = lots of potential changes to your boobs. Sensitive nipples may be an early pregnancy sign. Your breasts might get bigger and feel sore (like before a period). Later on in pregnancy, there are likely to be more visible changes - the veins will probably stand out more and the nipples get darker.

You've Got Weird Cravings...

Normally got a sweet tooth, but now you're all about the salty snacks? Never been an ice cream person, but suddenly you can't get enough?
Pregnancy can cause people to crave things they don't normally. Oh, and get this, that extend extends to things that aren't edible — think toothpaste, coal, or soil — which can be a sign of nutrient deficiency (and definitely something to get checked out!).

...But Can't Stand Other Foods

Common culprits during pregnancy are tea, coffee, and fatty foods. You might also notice you're super sensitive to the smell of food or cooking. Basically, a massive breakfast = your idea of Hell.

You've Got A Weird Taste In Your Mouth

It might be kind of metallic, like you've been sucking on coins! The technical name is dysgeusia, which seems like an unnecessarily complicated way to say "yucky taste," right? Using more herbs, spices, and acidic foods like citrus fruit in your meals can help override it.

You're Wiped Out

It's really common to feel tired, or full-on exhausted, in the early stages of pregnancy — in fact, it affects around 90 percent of pregnant women. It's likely due to hormonal changes,  which might also make you feel more emotional. A challenging combo!

You Notice More Discharge Than Usual

You've probably noticed that this varies through your cycle anyway. And when you're pregnant, it's also common for your body to produce more than normal — it's the body's way of stopping infections from traveling up your vagina to your uterus. (But note: The discharge shouldn't have a strong smell or come with any unpleasant symptoms, which could be signs of an infection and warrants a trip to the doctor).

You Need To Pee All The Time

... including during the night. Other people find early pregnancy brings on constipation. Hey, you could even score a double whammy and have both!

While it's tempting to try to decode the signals your body is sending you, remember that (a) pregnancy symptoms show up in different ways for different people, and (b) all of these symptoms could easily be caused by something other than pregnancy — including PMS. Your best bet? Try not to read too much into any symptoms and wait until you can take a pregnancy test to find out what's really going on.

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