Could I Be Pregnant and Still Have My Period?

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The short answer? No. But... you could have bleeding!

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* i just want to add in a short trigger warning for this chapter. it's not a typical thing that i talk about but in this chapter i do touch on ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage and as someone who's struggled with that, i understand some details could be triggering.
This is an educational book and chapter, but if you're especially sensitive to miscarriage then i would advise skipping ahead to the next chapter. If you're not sensitive to such things, then I would still recommend reading this seeing as it is for educational purposes. You never know when you might need such information. Read with caution. Enjoy. Have a blessed day.  all my love xx *

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You see, a period is what happens when your body sheds the lining of the uterus that it built up in the first half of your cycle. If you got pregnant, the lining would have been ready to support a baby. If you don't get pregnant, the lining clears out, and the process starts over the next cycle.

But here's the thing: it is possible to experience some bleeding that's not a period when you're pregnant.

OK, I'm confused. What else could cause bleeding?

If you are pregnant, it's possible to have what's called "implantation bleeding" when the developing embryo implants into the lining of the uterus. And, to make things more confusing, it often happens around the time your period would be due.

So how can I tell a difference?

Implication bleeding is light — just a little spotting — compared to a full-blown period. You might only notice it when you wipe, and it might be more pink or rust brown than red. You might also notice some of the other early signs of pregnancy as mentioned in previous chapters (though not everyone does!).

If your period should have arrived but you've only had some spotting, and there's a chance you could be pregnant, your best bet is to take a pregnancy test to get a straight answer.

What if I've had heavier bleeding?

If you don't think it's your period because the timing is off or you have reason to believe you're pregnant (or have had a positive pregnancy test), it's possible you've had a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy — the one that's not inside the uterus and is a medical emergency.

Other signs to watch for that could indicate miscarriage — an early pregnancy that has not survived and is shedding — include cramping and pain in your lower abdomen and discharge of fluid/tissue. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy: pain in your lower abdomen, possibly on one side; discomfort when you go to the bathroom; brown watery discharge; and maybe even pain in the tip of your shoulder.

If you think you could be experiencing one of these, don't delay a visit to a clinic to get checked out and get treatment, if needed, to avoid any potential complications.

** That's a lot to take in, i know and I'm sorry if you've experienced a miscarriage and this was triggering for you.
In August this year for my 23rd birthday, I was going through one and just writing this and kinda going into detail  was a bit triggering. I just remember being so traumatized by some of the things I saw, a lot was happening, lots of stuff coming out of me that I'm fairly certain I have ptsd from. I remember loads of pain and taking loads of pain tabs and nothing really phasing the pain.
If you're going through anything and you need somebody to lean on, I am always here. My inbox is a judgment free zone always.

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