Follicular Phase = Feeling Friskier?

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Your body is B.U.S.Y. during this stretch: the follicular phase starts when your period does (so there's crossover with the menstrual phase) and carries on through to when you ovulate (an egg is released from your ovaries in the hopes of finding a sperm).

The Sex Effect:

As you get closer to ovulation, your body becomes laser-focused on getting pregnant (even if your mind isn't) — so you might notice your sex drive ramping way up.

"Nature has primed you to be more interested in sex at your fertile time. Levels of the hormone estrogen rise throughout this phase, which may cause increased libido and increased vaginal lubrication," explains Julie Bowring, consultant in sexual and reproductive health at London Gynaecology.

Plus, research at the University of Chicago found women were most likely to initiate sex, experience stronger sexual desire, and have more sexual fantasies in the days leading up to ovulation due to hormonal changes. Thank your ovaries for those perks.

Up for Sex? Consider this...

Hone your seduction strategy

That hormone-induced libido boost might mean you're up for initiating sex in theory but unsure/uncomfortable about doing it — or feel you're hitting a wall with your partner.

"Something that often comes up with couples is that people are too subtle — one person thinks they're initiating sex, but the other person doesn't even realize," says Selena Doggett-Jones, relationship and psychosexual therapist and spokesperson for the UK's College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists. The key, she says, is to discuss your preferred cues. What's your go to when you're hinting? What's theirs? What would you ideally like each other to do?

Not up for Sex?

Your body hasn't factored in things like juggling a job, kids, housework, friendships, finishing that series while it's still streaming for free, so there's nothing wrong with you if you don't want to have sex right now — no matter how much nature is egging you on.

Don't forget:

There are millions of factors that conspire to make something feel good, or not, on any one day. So Selena notes, "I encourage couples not to assume that what worked one day — for them or their partner — will work the next. The key is to keep talking."

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