Namjoon's forehead was tense as he stared back at me for a moment. He looked worried, like he was thinking about complicated situations of some sort. Just like I had done. I didn't want him to.

"Please stop worrying," it slipped out, and he sighed.

"Alright, for you, I'll try."

My attention was drawn as I felt the bed dip on my other side. It was Jungkook. "Sit up for a second." He knelt on the bed and reached for me. I shifted forward as he slipped in to sit behind me. Once he was in, he slid me back with ease, right between his legs, where he held me in a hug. "So comfy," I mumbled, resting my head on the arm he had over my shoulder.

It didn't take long for Jimin and Tae to notice that I was awake, too. Both of them abandoned Jin at the table to come over. Jimin crawled over at the end of the bed and settled against the wall. Tae was quick to follow, pushing Jimin's thighs apart and laying down between them.

"You're awake," Tae said, his hands sliding under the blanket to find my feet. I jumped a little at the tickling, but relaxed again as he started massaging them.

"Mmm. That feels good." I gave him a faint smile. I barely had any energy right now. "How long was I out?"

Namjoon shifted a bit and pulled out his phone from the pocket of his sweats. Come to think of it, all of them were dressed down and in more comfortable clothing. It was such a contrast to how suited up they'd been earlier in the night.

"It's five in the morning, so, around five to six hours," He said. Jungkook's arms tightened around me a bit, and Jimin and Tae were looking at me with hints of worry.

"It is? Oh.. So you haven't slept yet?" I felt a bit guilty when I realised maybe I was the reason they were here and probably still awake.. But no one said anything.

That's when Yoongi plopped down beside Koo and got comfortable by huddling under the blanket with us. "We haven't slept. Well, beside Hobi," We all glanced over to where he was still sprawled out snoring on the couch. "But we'll be fine. It's not like it's the first time we've gone without it."

"Hyung is right. He stays up for days on end when he locks himself in his studio," Jimin mentioned, although not exactly looking pleased about it. Yoongi didn't comment on the way Jimin was looking at him. Instead, he just sighed and turned over on his side to face us all.

"What did I miss?" Jin asked as he finally joined us too, lifting Tae's legs into his lap and sitting in the last space at the end of the bed.

"Yoongi Hyung's unorthodox vampiristic lifestyle," Tae answered him. Jin snorted. "Then I didn't miss anything. That's nothing new."

Yoongi grumbled but didn't reply. The warmth from being in Jungkook's arms was making me sleepy. Tae was still gently rubbing one of my feet lazily, too. Being snuggled up with everyone like this, though, I didn't want to fall asleep. I wanted to savor the moment. How often did this happen? Hardly ever.

Suddenly, through the second of silence, we heard Hobi groan loudly, followed by him saying "Fuck pickles." Loud and clear in his sleep. Half of us failed miserably at holding in the urge to burst out in laughter, not to wake him, of course. And the other half didn't even bother to hold it back.

"Hobi, what the fuck," Yoongi wheezed laughing, tears prickling his eyes.

"Should we wake him up?" Namjoon glanced over at him.

"No.. Let's let him finish his fight with the pickle. Wouldn't want him to have any unfinished business with it." Tae said all too casually, which Jimin giggled at.

"But if he doesn't win, then maybe he'll hate pickles forever. Which means we won't be able to eat them anymore." Jungkook posed. It was so unserious, yet he'd said it as though it would be a genuine dilemma.

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