"No." I answered.

"Well he's gonna...because what the fuck...? What does that even say?" She squinted, trying to read it.

"None of your business." I spat, covering the tattoo.

Prying my hand away from my chest, my mom leaned in to see what my tattoo said. Seeing Quentin's full name in small letters.

"You don't love yourself, do you?"


"You spend so much time with that boy and you stay up under him. Now you have his NAME on you for life. You are so stupid. See I was trying to be nice Capri but you have no brain. I don't know where you get that shit from." She scoffed, turning the stove off and stopping herself from cooking.

So much for us not getting into it for 3 months.

"I do love myself. Very much actually. But I love him too. It's possible."

"You don't love him Capri." She scoffed. "You two met, what? 9 months ago? That's not love. You're too young to know what love is."

"Seems like you don't know what that is either." I grumbled.


"SEEMS. LIKE. You don't know what that is EITHER." I answered, clapping my hands with every emphasized word.

"I do know what love is! I've been on this Earth far longer than you!"

"APPARENTLY NOT. How are you going to invalidate my feelings for someone else?"

"Because when I was your age I-"

"I'm not you..."

"I understand that but that ink engraved in your skin is forever."

"I know."

"Have you lost your-" She started before she took a deep breath.

"How do you know you and that boy are gonna be together? He could do something tomorrow that'll make you regret that whole decision."

"Doubt that. Me and Q have been going strong for months and it's approaching a year. Don't put that negative energy out there. You didn't say anything about Cole's tattoo."

"I'm not putting 'negative energy' out there." She argued using air quotes. "And Cole is different."

"Then what is that? You sayin me and Q aren't gonna last?"

"I didn't say that. Those are YOUR words." She chuckled passive aggressively.

"I- well...Q wouldn't do anything to make me regret putting his name across my heart. I'm sorry."

"Does he have you on him?"

"Of course he does."

"...and it just gets worse. I thought you were so much more classier than this."

"What does having a tattoo have to do with me being classy?" I scoffed.

She took a deep breath, astonished.

"Capri. I'm telling you this as your mother...9/10 times High School relationships don't always last. You don't know that boy. Just because you're intimate with him and talk to each other everyday, that doesn't mean you KNOW each other. You're still in the honeymoon phase. I have every right to be upset about you putting his name on you permanently. Anything could change. I wouldn't even put your fathers name on me." She explained calmly. "You're moving too fast. I'm not saying break up with him because I know you aren't going to listen. You're hard headed just like I was. I'm just saying...you know what...this is pointless."

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