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December 19th, 1995

Artemis' POV

"I'm so bored." Cassie whined.

"We know pup, so are we." Sirius said, walked into the room.

"Isn't it you're bedtime?" I said and looked at my daughter.

"Yeah, lets go." Sirius said as he carried a protesting Cassie upstairs.

While he was putting Cassie to bed the photo of one of Sirius' ancestors moved.

It was the one that used to be a Headmaster at Hogwarts. He usually stays in his portrait in Dumbledore's office.

"Ah Artemis, I've been told by Dumbledore that Arthur Weasley had been bitten by a snake and transported to St. Mungo's, his children will be arriving here shortly." He said and disappeared.

Oh no.

Arthur was in the department of mysteries looking for Harry's prophecy.

Nagini must've been the snake. I always hated that thing.

I paced in the living room until Sirius came downstairs.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my distress.

"Arthur was attacked by Nagini in the department of mysteries and his kids, Harry and Hermione are on the way here." I told him.

After I said that all the Weasley children plus Harry and Hermione landed a few feet in front of my husband and I.

We welcomed them in and they sat on chairs in the living room.

They explained everything while I comforted poor Ginny who was in tears.

Harry said he had a dream about Arthur being attacked and didn't know how he could see it.

I didn't know either and Sirius and I shared a look and I don't think he knows either.

Once I looked back up it was 6 in the morning.

"Well time for breakfast I suppose. Kreacher! Where is that asserted house elf? KREACHER!" Sirius yelled.

I rolled my eyes and got up to make the breakfast.

"You get to deal with your daughter when she yells at you for waking her up." I whispered to Sirius.

Sure enough while the kids were waiting for breakfast Cassie quite nosily came down the stairs.

She stopped her whining when she saw the other kids around the table.

"Hi guys." She said very confusingly.

"They're home for the Christmas holidays." Sirius said and mouthed to me that he would tell her later.

Once everyone had breakfast I went upstairs and girl talked with Hermione and Ginny to try and make them feel better.

I haven't had girl talk in 14 years. It was quite enjoyable and Hermione reminded me of Lily and Ginny reminded me of Marlene.

Later that night Sirius told me that Harry told him about the dream with Arthur.

Harry said that his point of view in the dream was the eyes of Nagini.

I'm sure Dumbledore knows what's going on.

He's coming tomorrow to talk with Sirius and I.


The next day the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione were visiting Arthur at St. Mungo's.

Dumbledore flooed in at around noon.

"Hello Sirius, Artemis and young Cassie." Dumbledore greeted.

"Pup, go up to your room please." Sirius said and Cassie nodded.

"Bye Mr. Santa Clause." She said and dashed up the stairs.

"So what do you think is happening to Harry?" I asked Dumbledore.

"I think Voldemort is messing with his brain somehow through his scar." Dumbledore said.

"And now Harry can see what Voldemort can see." Sirius said.

"Correct." Dumbledore said.

"Is there anything you could do?" I asked him.

"I'm having a teacher teach him Occulomacy." Dumbledore said.

I nodded and tried to figure out which teacher would teach him. I think a few of the teachers can.

"Are you any closer to getting the prophecy?" Sirius asked.

"I'm going to wait a little and have multiple people go at the same time because I think Voldemort has a plan as well and will go for it soon." Dumbledore said.

Then as he was leaving he pulled me aside.

"I'm going to have Severus teach Harry, I know Sirius and him don't exactly get along so it'd be better if you told him." Dumbledore said before flooing away.

I guess Severus can teach Harry.

Yes, Sirius won't like it, but he's 36 and needs to stop acting like a kid.

Harry won't like it either but it's for is own good.

"Can I come down now?" Cassie asked from the top of the stairs.

"Yes baby, you and I can make some brownies." I said and Cassie and I went into the kitchen and made brownies.

Although her and Sirius ate them within an hour.

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