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July 31st, 1980

Artemis' POV

"Artie, babe Lily is going to be ok and so is Prongs Junior." Sirius tried to calm me.

Lily is currently in labor with her son and I'm sooo worried because what if something goes wrong?

"I've heard plenty of incidences where mothers die from birth or the baby dies or maybe both." I said.

Then Sirius walked over with a potion in his hand.

He took the cap of the capsule and slipped some into my mouth.

It was a calming potion and I instantly calmed down.

Sirius and I then sat on the couch and watched TV.

Although we both weren't paying attention at all.

We were waiting for an owl or something from Lily or James.

Then finally late in the night an owl landed on our window sill and I jumped up from the couch and ran and got the letter off the owls leg.

Basically it said that both Lily and the baby, who they named Harry, were fine and that Sirius and I could visit them at their house tomorrow.

So the next day Sirius was already bright eyed at the crack of dawn ready to see baby Harry.

So after lunch Sirius couldn't wait any longer and apparated both of us to the Potter's.

He knocked on the door and James opened it.

Sirius then greeted him in a bro hug and we went in.

Lily was in the living room holding a lump of blankets.

I walked over and peered into the blankets and a pair of green eyes stared back at me.

"She's got your eyes and James' hair." I told Lily and stroked Harry's cheek.

"See already a mini Prongs." Sirius said and came in and Lily handed him Harry.

Sirius had one tear roll down his face.

I couldn't blame him.

This baby boy will probably be Sirius' new best friends, and his and James' little prank apprentice.

We spent the rest of the day with the Potters and I had to trick Sirius into letting go of Harry.

Sirius whined about it but before we left he got to hold Harry one more time.

I apparated Sirius and I back home when Sirius finally handed Harry back over to James.


July 31rst, 1981

"This kid is the most spoiled little boy on the planet." I muttered.

Today is Harry's 1rst birthday.

Both James and Sirius went overboard with the presents.

Sirius bought 15 presents and James like 20.

Harry was currently riding around on the new little broomstick Sirius bought him.

It's not a real one, it only goes 3 feet off the ground.

Harry loves it.

"I know what he's going to do for the next 4 months." Lily said.

"Little Quidditch player ya got on your hands." I told her.

"If he fall off it won't hurt him right?" Lily asked.

"No, but I tried to talk Sirius into waiting until he was 3 but Sirius said 'he should start early'" I quoted my childish husband.

Sirius came over and kissed my cheek.

"You know you love me." He said.

Then we watched as Harry came flying into the house and James running behind him.

He flew it into the living room and back into the kitchen.

Lily caught him and James came in slightly panting.

We all laughed at the 21 year old father.

"Come on Sirius lets go." I said around 8 at night when Harry began to fall asleep.

"Yeah, see ya later champ." Sirius said and ruffled Harry's little tuft of hair.

"Later guys." We both said and apparated away.

When we got home and got ready for bed, Sirius and I were snuggled together and he started talking.

"Babe, did Lily tell you that her, James and Harry are going into hiding?" He asked me.

"Yeah, because of the prophecy Lily told me about." I replied.

The new Divindation teacher at Hogwarts made a prophecy about Voldemort that could include Harry. Either Harry or Alice and Frank's son Neville.

I hope that it is neither of them.

I've met Neville but the Longbottom's went into hiding a week later.

"So they asked me to be the secret keeper for their house." Sirius said.

"Makes sense." I said.

"Yeah, a little too obvious, so I told James to pick Peter, because You-Know-Who would suspect one of us the most and Peter wouldn't be so suspicious, I'm trying to protect us and the Potter's." Sirius told me.

"Well I see where you're coming from, but do you think Peter is the best choice?" I asked him.

I've always thought Peter was a bit weird and personally I think that he's untrustworthy.

"Why do you think that?" Sirius questioned me.

"I don't know, do what you think is best baby, you know him better than me." I told him.

"I think it it's what's best, I'm trying to protect you babe." Sirius said and kissed my lips.

"Love you, prince charming." I said the last part jokingly.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me into a deep kiss. 

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