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February 14th, 1977

Artemis' POV

Well today's the day.

Right now I'm on my way to Lily, Marlene and Alice's dorm to get ready.

When I got there all of them had their dresses' on and Alice was doing Marlene's makeup and Lily was doing her hair, which was a French braid.

Lily is wearing a light pink dress, Alice is wearing a dark purple dress, Marlene is wearing a red dress, and I am wearing a neon pink dress.

So I got my dress on and watched Marlene and Alice do Lily's hair and makeup.

Lily was getting a French braid with flower clips around it.

After that Alice got her hair and makeup done.

Alice is having her hair normal and down.

After she was done they did mine.

I had my hair down like Alice.

Lily's makeup was pink eyeshadow, pink lip gloss, and light blush.

Marlene's makeup was deep blue eyeshadow, red lipstick, black eyeliner, and medium blush.

Alice's makeup was light purple eyeshadow, glitter lip gloss, and light blush.

My makeup was black eyeline and very light pink eyeshadow.

"You guys ready?" Marlene asked and we all nodded.

Oh Merlin.

I have butterflies in my stomach.

I never thought that me Artemis Riddle would be going to a dance with the handsome, popular Sirius Black.

So then we all very carefully walked down the stairs.

Alice immediately saw Frank by the bottom of the stairs and went off with him into the great hall.

She smiled excitedly at us on her way in.

Then Marlene went off to where the Fabian is and they went the opposite hallway of the great hall, probably to make out in a broom closet for a while.

After a few minutes Lily and I still haven't seen Sirius or James.

I began getting a bit nervous.

What if he didn't show up?

What if it's just a joke?

I took a deep breath and after a minute or two, Sirius and James came from around the corner and their jaws slightly dropped and I swear they were about to drool.

"Well lets go in." Sirius said after regaining himself and held his arm out to me.

As I took it he led me into the great hall.

Inside there were tables along the walls and a dance floor in the middle.

"You look gorgeous." Sirius said as he started to twirl me around in a dance.

"Thanks, and you don't look to bad yourself." I told him.

He did look pretty hot.

He had red and white dress robes on, his hair was sleeked, his smile was shinning with his crystal white teeth, and his eyes were glowing.

Although his cologne was very strong, it smelt like he swam in it or something.

We danced for thirty minutes and ended up sitting at one of the tables drinking butterbeer.

"So do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me in two weeks?" Sirius asked me before he took another swig of butterbeer.

Dang. Even the way he drinks is hot.

Wait, that's the day I become an Animagus.

Darn it!!

No, I will not cancel, I can make this work.

"Yeah I'd love to." I told him and he smiled.

After thirty more minutes of talking to each other, the slow songs began playing.

Sirius and I went onto the crowded dance floor and he leaned me against him and we began swaying around.

I could see McKayla shooting daggers at me from across the room.

Well I couldn't see very good because some of Sirius' hair was in my face.

McKayla had a huge amount of makeup on, more than she usually does, she looks like a sick clown.

She shot me a death glare and flipped me off, so I just did it back.

Sirius then turned us around so he could see who I was looking at.

As soon as Sirius turned around McKayla put on her face nice face and waved flirt like at him, making me growl a bit.

Sirius then stuck his tounge out at her, smirked, then pushed my head back into his shoulder.

He kissed the back of my neck and planted his head in my shoulder.

I loved this. It was so comforting.

Sirius' arms were strong around me and his head was soft on my shoulder as his warm breath tickled my lower neck.

He was also rubbing circles with his thumb on my back.

It was weird, yet comforting at the same time.

I was completely calm and at ease.

We stayed like this for another two and a half hours.

Then Sirius head stuck up.

"You tired?" He asked.

"A bit." I said and nodded and yawned into his shoulder.

"Well come on, the ball is nearly over anyway, you can come up with me and stay in the girls dorm." Sirius said.

So then he led me up to the Gryffindor common room with his hand clenched in mine.

We got to the point where the dorms go away from each other.

"Thanks for the night Artemis." Sirius said and kissed my check.

Oh my Merlin, he kissed me. SIRIUS BLACK KISSED ME.

Well on the check, but I'll take it.

"Yeah you too." I told him and walked to Lily, Marlene, and Alice's dormitory while clutching my check and Sirius let out a bark like laugh at me.

When I got into the dormitory we all talked about each of our nights.

Alice danced with Frank most of the time, but had a small water break.

Lily and James talked and had butterbeer before slow dancing.

Marlene made out with Fabian for thirty minutes, then they drank butterbeer and slow danced.

When I told them about my night with Sirius they all smiled.

"Hand it over Evans." Marlene said after I told them that Sirius asked me to Hogsmeade.

Lily grumbled and put five galleons in Marlene's hand.

"Were you two betting on me and Sirius dating?" I asked them and they nodded.

Well I can't say I'm surprised.

So after that we all went to bed at midnight.


Hi guys

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Here is another question for you:

Which wizarding school would you want to go to out of these?

1. Beuxbatons

2. Drumstrang 

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