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September 2nd, 1976

Sirius POV

"Okay Prongs I've got everything ready." I said and ran up to James.

I am talking about the start of term party I throw every year since 3rd year.

I make out with girls... everyone has a great time before the torture of school, everyone wins.

"Cool, so what girl are you gonna date this month?" James Asked me. It's true I go through a girl every month or so.

"Very funny Prongs, I don't know." I said then someone rounded the corner and I smirked at who it was.

"Hey Prongs look who it is." I told him and pointed toward Evilmis.

To be honest I have no problem with her she is actually really pretty and smart. I don't really give a crap that she's a Slytherin. I admit to have a crush on her.

So James and I walked over to her and she just stood there with her arms crossed.

"Hey Evilmis, you know about my little party this weekend? Well your welcome to come to it, we've got butterbeer and dancing, because apparently you girls like to do it." I told her smiling.

"I'll think about it." She said and walked toward the Great Hall.

"Wow maybe you'll have a chance with her Padfoot, plus you will piss off Snivellous." James said.

"We'll just wait and see, I know I'm going to get her one day Prongs I don't care if it's for a minute or even for a second." I said and we began walking to lunch.


Artemis' POV


Why did Sirius, Sirius Orion Black ask me to his party?

He hates my guts, right?

I guess I'll go, Lily, Marlene and Alice are all going and I have nothing better to do so why not?


The next night I went to the party wearing a jean jacket with a Hogwarts shirt under, jeans, and regular sneakers.

The party is at the room of requirement.

All I have to do is think about the party and going to it.

So Marlene, Lily, Alice and I all walked to the corridor where the room of requirement is and thought about the party.

Then a door appeared and we walked in.

It looked cool, just a room with chairs. tables, and a dance floor with a disco ball, colorful lights, and a fog machine making fog.

"Hey ladies... OH and Evilmis you came." Sirius said coming over to us with James, Peter, and Remus.

"Nice party Black." I told Sirius who was currently smiling like a weirdo.

"Thanks Evilmis, enjoy." Sirius said and flung his arm out toward the party like some tour guide.

So Marlene, Lily, Alice and I danced for thirty minutes before sitting down and having some butterbeer.

While we were having our beverages Frank Longbottom came over to us.

"H-hey Alice, uh do you want to uh dance with me?" He asked Alice nervously and scratching the back of his neck.

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