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June 1st, 1995

Artemis' POV

"Calm down Sirius, I'm sure Harry's fine." I tried to tell my husband.

Harry is in his final task of the Tri Wizard Tournament.

Sirius, Cassie and I are sitting in front of Hagrid's hut waiting for news of the tournament.

Sirius is pacing with nervousness.

I'm nervous for Harry too.

I looked over at Cassie and she was chasing crows, not having a care in the world.

I looked up and saw Professor McGonagall rushing hurriedly down the stairs toward us.

"Oh no." I said. This can't be good.

"Artemis, Sirius come up, I'll explain when we get up there." McGonagall said.

"Cassie, come on." I yelled to my daughter.

Sirius was already halfway to the castle.

"He does realize he doesn't know where we're going?" McGonagall said.

I shook my head.

"Same Sirius." McGonagall said.

Once we were in the castle we made our way to the hospital wing.

This just keeps getting worse.

We entered the hospital wing I saw Harry on the bed unconscious.

Sirius and I sat next to the bed and Cassie squirmed under a different bed.

Then the Minister of Magic walked in and Dumbledore had to explain what happened to Harry.

Sirius was growling lightly the whole time.

I licked the side of his head.

Trust me, I'm very angry too, it's my father that did this.

Then Harry started to wake up and the Minister just handed him his 1,000 galleons and walked out.

"Ok Sirius, Artemis, you can change now." Dumbledore said.

Sirius and I transformed and the woman, who I think is Molly Weasley, let out a small scream.

Snape gave Sirius a death glare.

"Sirius, Artemis, we need to re-establish the Order of the Phoenix, I need you to tell all the original people, Molly can I count on you and Arthur to help with that?" Dumbledore said.

"Yes." Molly said.

"I'll go owl dad." A boy with long hair said and left the room.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Harry asked Sirius.

"Don't worry, you'll see us soon." I told him.

Sirius and I transformed and ran out of the room, Cassie on our tails.

"Where we goin?" Cassie asked.

"Remus' first I guess." I said and Sirius nodded.

Dumbledore gave us a wand, so we could apparate now.

We turned back into humans when we got outside of the grounds.

"Cassie grabbed my arm." I told her.

"I don't like apparating." She whined.

Sirius grabbed her arm and apparated.

We ended up outside Remus' cottage.

Cassie started fake throwing up next to us.

"Cassie, quit that." I said as I knocked on the door.

Sirius picked her up and rested her on his hip.

Remus opened the door and smiled at us.

"Come in, come in." He said.

We walked in and plopped on Remus' couch.

We told him what happened at the final task and that Dumbledore is restarting the Order.

"Of course I'll join, where will the headquarters be?" Remus asked.

"We were thinking Grimuald Place, since both my parents are dead, and now the place is mine, and is out of site of Muggles, but we have to finalize with Dumbledore." Sirius said.

"Ok, owl me with anymore information." Remus said.

"Let's go Artemis, I want to get to Grimuald place, probably got a hell of a lot of cleaning to do." Sirius said.

"Ok." I said and grabbed his arm, waved to Remus, and apparated.

We landed in a neighbor hood park.

"Where is it?" I asked.

Sirius walked out into the street and clapped his hands a few times and the building in front of us started to move and an extra part appeared.

"Cool." Cassie said.

We all went up and Sirius opened the door.

The moment we stepped in a ear bursting scream came from one of the paintings.


"SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!" Sirius yelled back and forced the curtains on the painting close.

I looked around and it was soooooo dusty and dirty.

"Charming." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, we'll start cleaning tomorrow, we had a house elf, but I don't know where he went." Sirius said.

"Mom! Dad!" We heard Cassie scream.

Sirius and I quickly bolted up the stairs.

We ran into a room and Cassie was in there and in front of her was a very old looking house elf.

"Kreacher." Sirius snarled and grabbed Cassie and put her behind him.

"Blood-traitor, what are you doing back her, in the noble house of Black?" Kreacher snarled.

"None of your business, you useless thing, this house is discusting, just like you, now stay out of my way, and don't even think about coming near my wife or daughter." Sirius snarled.

"Lets go, we can stay in my old room." Sirius said and we went to his room.

It was very dirty and dusty too.

"I'll try to clean it as best as I can with the wand, but we can't do it on the whole house, it'd be too big." Sirius said.

He pulled out his wand and cast spells over the room.

When he was done it was cleaner then it was before, not shinny or anything but made feel a little better.

"Tomorrow I'll get Buckbeak from the cave and bring him here, he can stay in my parents room, beasts have always lived in there anyways." Sirius said.

"Ok Cassie, time for bed, I don't know if we'll all fit on the bed that was meant for a 15 year old." Sirius said.

"Ok." Cassie said and yawned.

Cassie got into the bed and Sirius got in next to her.

There was a little bit of space left for me.

I squezzed in and quickly fell asleep.

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