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March 1st, 1978

Artemis' POV

After a little over 2 months I've gotten better at restraining the power of the unforgivable curses.

And I'm done with the stupid Parseltounge stuff with Nagini.

I used it once in a while when I was alone and found a snake.

So I walked down to the dungeons for my next session.

My father was standing there with his wand twirling in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"Imperio." He said without warning.

I closed my eyes and began pushing back the curse.

It still is painful and I always have headaches from it.

After 30 seconds it was gone.

"Good, Curio." My dad said, not giving me time to recover.

I felt a slight stinging going through my body.

The pain has gone down since I first started but it still hurts a little.

Luckily, not enough to scream.

"Okay, now that you have that down, you will be given your mission." My dad said once he took off the curse.

"I do this thing called muggle hunting and you're coming with me and participating, Bellatrix and Lucius will be going with us, so be ready at 8 tomorrow night." He told me before stalking out of the dungeon.

Muggle hunting, that doesn't sound good at all.

Should I tell Dumbledore to meet me there so I don't have to hurt anyone and don't have to get the dark mark?

I think I should, plus I've been away long enough and I've got my N.E.W.T's to take.

And they got their name (Nearly Exhausting Wizarding Test's) for a reason, it takes all year to study.

So I ran up to my room and casted a Patronus.

"You-Know-Who is going to be in Bristol, I believe he is going to murder several muggles, he is taking 2 backups and me, he says after I finish off with a muggle I will get the dark mark. Please be there at 8, Artemis Riddle." I said.

"Send that to Albus Dumbledore." I told the Patronus.

The glowing German Shepard nodded and dashed away.


Sirius' POV

It's been a few months since I've seen Artemis.

I hope she's safe.

Right now I'm trying to get through the last class of the day.

School has been harder since Artemis left.

She hasn't written either and I've been instructed not to write her.

After class lets loose I'm going to Dumbledore's to see if he's heard from her.

Once the clocks dinged I quickly packed up.

"Hey I'm going up to Dumbledore's to see if he's heard from Artemis." I told James.

"We're coming it you." Lily said with Marlene and Alice at her side.

Girls... so nosy.

"Well lets make it a party, why not?" James said and we all went up to Dumbledore's office.

Once we were in there Dumbledore was sitting at his desk.

"Have you heard from Artemis?" I asked him hopefully.

"I'm sorry Sirius I've not heard from her." He said calmly.

I punched my leg and let out a groan of furry.

As Lily began rambling on about all the danger my girlfriend could be in I saw what looked like a floating, glowing German Shepard flying towards Dumbledore's window.

"Nooo, it's Artemis' ghost coming back to say bye." Marlene screamed and Lily smacked her shoulder and I glared at her.

James' mouth went down, probably believing for a second that it's true.

"It's her Patronus idiots." I said as the patronus floated in.

"You-Know-Who is going to be in Bristol, I believe he is going to murder several muggles, he is taking 2 backups and me, he says after I finish off with a muggle I will get the dark mark. Please be there at 8, Artemis Riddle." The patronus said and disappeared.

Fury and pity started to build up inside of me.

That evil no good snake is trying to get sweet innocent Artemis to kill and torture innocent people.

She won't do it, she's stubborn and kind and I know she won't do it.

"We have to help her." I said.

"What are we gonna do, just show up and take Artemis." Remus said.

"Sure." I said.

"Yes, she's been there long enough, we will go meet her tonight, we will get her and try to avoid blood being spilt." Dumbledore said.

Try, yes I'll try not to blow Voldy's face up.


Artemis' POV

At 8 I met my dad, Lucius and Bellatrix at the door.

"Aww the little baby going on her first hunt." Bellatrix mocked in a baby voice.

I just rolled my eyes and we all apparated to Bristol.

"Now we wait." My dad said and we hunkered by some dumpsters.

Then three muggles walked on the street towards us, three woman.

Oh those poor souls.

Bellatrix and Lucius jumped out and body binned them with ropes.

They began screaming so they put tape on their mouths.

Lucius and Bellatrix dragged the muggles over towards us.

"Curcio." My dad said and began torturing the first woman.

She was wriggling on the ground in pain, she couldn't scream and I felt really bad for her.

After a minute she was on the ground whimpering in pain.

"Trash like you belong like this." He said.

"Avada Kedavra." He said and with a blast of green light, the woman was dead.

Her friends looked at her body in horror.

My dad laughed evilly for a second before turning to Bellatrix.

"Go ahead." He told her.

Bellatrix looked at the second woman and began torturing her.

It's so hard to watch, and especially not intervening.

I just have to wait for Dumbledore.

Once the second woman was dead and laying by her friend my father turned to me.

"Now you do that one." He pointed at the last one with his wand.

I sighed as I didn't see hide nor silvery hair of Dumbledore.

I raised my wand as the woman and I locked eyes.

Her watery eyes were spewing into mine and she looked at me like begging me not to kill her.

"Do it now." My dad snarled.

My hand and wand were shaking as I lowered my wand.

"ARTEMIS"! My dad bellowed in anger.

Then a swoosh of wind swept past us and 7 people were standing in front of me. 

Daughter of the Darkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن