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September 1rst, 1995

Cassie's POV

"Can I please go?" I asked my mom and dad.

"Fine, but do not leave your dad's side." Mom told me.

"I will." I told her.

I get to go with my dad to see the older kids off to Hogwarts.

We going as dogs.

"Can we go now?" I asked my dad for the fifth time as we waited for Tonks.

"A few more minutes pup." My dad said.

"Sorry I'm late." Tonks said coming through the door.

"Ok lets go, oh come on Sirius, Dumbledore said NO." Mrs. Weasley said.

My dad shrugged and we both turned into dogs.

Once we got to the station my dad and I walked next to them.

"Padfoot you idiot, you'll spoil the whole mission." Mad-Eye told my dad as we walked through the train station.

My dad ran ahead and went into a small room and barked at me to stay with the others.

While we were waiting a boy ran up to us and talked to Ron and Hermione as he scratched behind my ears.

My dad came back out with Harry and trotted over next to me.

We sat in front of the big red Hogwarts train.

"Cool." I said.

"Lots of memories on that train pup." My dad said and looked at the train in thought.

"When can I go to Hogwarts?" I asked him.

"Five more years, when you're eleven." He told me.

Once the train started to move I began to run after it as fast as I could go.

I stopped once I got to the curve where the train goes out of the station.

My dad came up behind me and nudged me back toward the others.

We apparated back home and my dad brought me upstairs.

"Now that the other kids have gone back to Hogwarts, this is now going to be your room, you are old enough to have your own room, you may decorate however you like with whatever crap you can find." My dad said and left me in the room.

The room used to be Hermione and Ginny's.

My parents moved one bed out of the room so their was more room.

"Cozy." I muttered and flopped on the bed.

Then after a quick nap I woke up and went scavenging for decorations for my room.

I looked through the stuff my parents have sorted and were going to throw out.

I found some pearls and fancy stuff and glued them on my shelves and stuff.

Kreacher the creepy house elf complained and yelled at me while I did it.

Then my dad went over and yelled at me and told me to continue.

The room was all sparkly when I was done.

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