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March 2nd, 1977

Artemis' POV

I woke up in Lily, Marlene and Alice's dorm and saw it was all decorated.

Merlin's Pants!!!

I was so wrapped up in my date with Sirius yesterday that I didn't realize my birthday is today.

The dorm had streamers in between all the beds and balloons all over. They were all in my favorite color purple.

After getting dressed and batting a couple of balloons around, I went down to the Gryffindor common room.

Lily, Marlene, Alice, Frank, Peter, James, Remus, and Sirius were all there.

They all were holding party poppers and popped it when they saw me come in the room.

"Happy birthday Artemis!" They all said.

"Aww thanks guys." I said and walked over.

"Anything for the birthday girl." Sirius said and kissed my forehead.

I never get this kind of attention on my birthday.

Usually Lily, Marlene, Alice and Reggie get me something and the girls and I hang out in the evening.

"Now put this on we're going to take you somewhere." Marlene said and handed me a blind fold.

"Why do I have to wear this?" I asked them.

I like using all of my five senses and especially sight. Just so I don't fall or see where people are taking me.

"Come on pleaseee just wear it, we promise we won't try to kill you or anything." Marlene said to me.

I just grumble and put the blindfold on and someone ties it for me.

Then someone intertwined their hand with mine and I knew it was Sirius.

Because 1, no one else would do that, 2, his hands are more comforting feeling then the others.

They led me to where they were taking me and then Sirius whipped my blindfold off.

We were standing in a room and there was a table for all of us to sit at with food all over it.

Balloons everywhere, streamers and a banner that says Happy Birthday Artemis on the wall.

I also noticed that Reggie had joined us.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

So then we all sat down and everyone fought over who was going to sit next to me.

It ended up with Sirius to my right and Lily on my left.

Reggie was sitting across from me.

I feel a little guilty by not telling him that Sirius and I are dating.

I think he has a feeling that I am but doesn't know for certain.

I'll tell him latter.

All of my favorite foods are on this table.

This is probably going to be my only meal of the day because I woke up around 12, and there is a lot of stuff here.

Here's what it is:

Mashed potato's, chocolate caramel coffee with whipped cream, pumpkin juice, chocolate frogs, macaroni, saulsberry stake, brownies, and chocolate peanut butter ice-cream.

So then we all ate it and were pretty much stuffed.

"Merlin's Pants, I'll never walk again." I said and patted my stuffed belly.

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