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August 31st, 1971

Artemis' POV

I'm now 11.

A lot has happened to me since I was five.

When I was 8 my mom started teaching me how to be a "proper lady".

Then when I turned 9 my dad started teaching me how to be better then the other kids at Hogwarts. He taught me better ways to make potions. Spells from first year to third year level, I never actually got to do the spells because I'm too young.

Right now I'm going to my dad's last lesson with me before I go off to Hogwarts.

I knocked on the door to my dad's office.

"Come in." His deep voice said and I went in.

My dad was sitting in his seat behind his desk and I sat across from him.

"Now when you get to Hogwarts you are to get Slytherin, am I understood?" He asked me with a glare.

"Yes sir." I told him. My father and I are the last descendants of Salazar Slytherin, the fonder of Slytherin house at Hogwarts. And my dad wants me to get Slytherin and I know that if I don't I'll be punished, probably with the torture curse.

"Good, you will not be friends with Half-bloods or Mud-bloods." He said. Well I might make friends with them he just won't find out.

"And don't think that I won't find out these things because Lucius will be reporting to me about your behavior." My dad said. Dang it.

"Okay you may go now oh and don't mention where I am or you'll regret being born child." My dad snarled at me.

That's a rule I can live by. The other two I'm not sure about.

So then I walked out and went back to my room to start packing for tomorrow.

When I was nearly done packing I was trying to force my textbooks into my trunk.

I heard a knock at my door and my mom came in.

"Need help?" She asked when she saw me sitting on top of my trunk to try and get it closed.

"Yes please." I said and got off my trunk.

Then my mom put an expanding charm on my trunk to make it deeper.

Then she helped me pack the rest of my things.

"Okay Artemis your all ready." My mom said with a sad smile.

"Thanks mom." I told her.

"Look Artemis, I don't care what house you get, even though it's best if you get Slytherin, but no one knows, as your Uncle Jackson told me: it's all in the hat." My mom told me.

My Uncle Jackson is a death eater and he is funny too.

"Just have fun at Hogwarts, make friends and have the time of your life." My mom said and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks mom." I told her as we pulled apart.

"Oh and don't use parselmouth at Hogwarts." She told me and I nodded.

Then she left the room.

I started speaking parselmouth when I was six, the only times I use it are when i am sometimes talking to my dad, talking to my dad's snake Nagini, and a few times I talked to a garden snake.

Last week I went to Diagon Alley with Lucius and Narcissa.

My wand is unicorn tail hair, beech wood, 10 1/2 inches long. And my mom gave me extra money to get a pet. So I got an owl named Leaf. She is brown with white spots all over her and a big white spot around her eye.


The next day Narcissa, Lucius and I left for Platform 9 3/4.

I didn't get to run through the wall because Lucius apparated us onto the Platform, he said it would take to long.

And then we got onto the train and they spilt off to find their friends.

That left me in the empty compartment by myself.

So I pulled out a book and decided to find friends later, besides we have like six hours on this train before we get to Hogwarts.

After a few minutes the train started moving.

After it started moving a red haired girl stopped outside of my compartment.

I put my book down and she walked in.

"Hi is it okay if I sit here?" She asked me.

"Sure." I said and she sat across from me.

"Hi, I'm Lily Evans." She said.

"I'm Artemis Riddle." I told her.

"Aren't you, You-Know-Who's daughter?" She asked me.

I knew this would happen. People are going to be scared of me because of who my dad is.

"Yes I am." I told her quietly, not really wanting to say it.

"Okay well you seem nice." Lily said.

"Thanks." I told her.

"Anyway, can you tell me more about the wizarding world, I read some books about it but I can only read so much in a month." Lily said and I assume she is muggle-born.

I don't know about this but I'll just have to go with it because Lily seems like a good friend.

"Well I don't know everything about it but I have to warn you that not all people like muggle borns, so just be careful about that, I know it's ridiculous." I told her and she nodded.

"Okay, thanks." Lily said.

Then we talked about the muggle world and wizarding world.

After an hour a boy with shoulder length black hair walked into the compartment.

"Hi Lily." He said.

"Oh Artemis this is my friend Severus, Severus Snape." Lily said and Severus nodded at me.

"Sev this is Artemis Riddle." Lily told him.

Severus' eyes widened momentarily at my last name but then went back to normal.

"Well nice to meet you Artemis, I'll see you later Lily." He said.

I noticed that he had luggage behind him and needed a compartment but wanted to talk to Lily alone.

"You can stay here if you want, I'm going to look around the train." I said and walked out of the compartment.

I walked down the train and through crowds of kids standing in the hallway outside compartments.

Then I ran into a boy with shoulder length dark brown hair.

"Hey are you related to Orion Black by any chance?" I asked him because Orion has grey eyes like this kid.

"Yes." The kid said depressed like.

"I'm Sirius, Sirius Black." The kid said.

"No way, Sirius, I'm Artemis." I told him and hugged him before pulling away.

I haven't seen him since I was 7.

"Oh yeah your Voldy and Selwyn's daughter." Sirius said.

"Pretty much." I said and giggled when he called my dad Voldy.

"Well I'll see you around Sirius." I told him and went back to the compartment.

So Severus, Lily and I got to know each other for the rest of the train ride. 

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