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June 1st, 1972

Artemis' POV

I just finished my 1rst year at Hogwarts and I'm on my way home.

I've made a small group of friends over the year.

Severus and Lily obviously. And Lily introduced me to her Gryffindor friends. Alice Fortescue and Marlene McKinnon. Alice is nice and shy and Marlene is outgoing and sassy.

I didn't make any other Slytherin friends except Sev. All my dorm mates hate my guts because they think I'm evil like my dad.

My first year had been rough besides having four friends.

Sirius is no longer my friend. Instead him and his group of friends, the "Marauders", ad they call themselves love to pick on Sev and I.

They pick on Sev because his hair looks a little greasy. They also do it because James Potter who is in the group has a huge crush on Lily and Sev hands out with her so he thinks they have a thing going on.

They pick on me because of my father and because I'm a Slytherin.

They also love to call Sev Snivellous and me Evilmis. I hate the nicknames.

So it's just me and Sev against the world. With the support of Lily, Marlene and Alice.

Now back to Lily and James. James has a mad crush on Lily, he flirts with her every time he sees her. But Lily hates him and I know hate is a strong word but in this case it's accurate. She calls him a dirty rotten toe rag.

Lily doesn't hate all the marauders, neither do I. The Marauders are made up of four Gryffindor's. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

James and Sirius are the one's that are pains. Remus and Peter never call names unlike James and Sirius. Remus seems cool but Peter seems to just be following the popular crowd.

Marlene is friends with the marauders but is not part of their group. Alice doesn't really have an opinion on it.

So here I am sitting in a compartment with Sev.

"It'll be nice to spend two months away from Hogwarts." I said and layed back against the cushion.

"Yeah, I'm sure education is worth it though." Sev said talking about the marauders and my dorm mates.

"Lets just be happy for the break." I said and he nodded.

After a few minutes Lily, Alice and Marlene walked into the compartment.

"Hi guys just here to say bye." Lily said and hugged me. Then Marlene and Alice joined in.

I wouldn't be able to see them over the summer because of my dad.

Lily and Sev would get to hang out because they live in the same town.

"I'll miss you guys but I'll write." I told them and they left.

After about thirty minutes Sev and I were eating chocolate frogs when our compartment door was pushed open.

Then James Potter and Sirius Black walked into the compartment while Remus leaned on the door frame and Peter stood in the hallway.

"Well if it isn't Snivellous and Evilmis." James said with a smirk.

"What do you want Potter." I snarled.

"Oh lighten up Riddle, just here to say bye for the summer." Sirius said and stole a chocolate frog and sat down next to the door and me and Sev squished ourselves against the window.

"That's mine." I told Sirius and reached for the chocolate frog in his hand.

"Oh is it?" Sirius said and shoved the chocolate frog into his mouth.

I growled at him and leapt forward but James held me back and pushed me back in my seat.

"Just leave our compartment." I told them.

"What are you going to do if we don't, going to unleash daddy on us?" James asked.

"Guys lets just leave them alone, besides we'll be at the station soon." Remus said from the door way and Sirius and James stood up and moved to the door way.

"See ya in a few months." Sirius said and threw the chocolate frog wrapper at me.

Then they left and I mouthed a thank you to Remus.

After a few minutes the train rolled up to Kings Cross station.

"Well I'll write you later Sev." I said and waved at him before jumping onto Platform 9 3/4.

I stood by the little room on the platform, waiting for Narcissa and Lucius to take me home.

When they came Lucius apparated us to Malfoy Manor.

I threw open the door and saw my parents, Lucius' parents and Narcissa's parents standing by the stair case.

I ran up to my mom and hugged her. I stayed in her arms for a minute and we pulled apart and I heard Druella and Olivia aww at us.

The house elf's carried my luggage down to my room.

While they were doing that my mom pulled me into my dad's office where both my parents were sitting.

"So Artemis good job getting Slytherin, now who have you made friends with?" My dad asked me.

I've got to be careful of what I say here.

"A half-blood named Severus Snape, A pure blood- named Marlene McKinnon and a pure-blood named Alice Fortescue." I told them. I didn't want to tell them about Lily, for Lily and I's sake.

"What about Sirius?" My mom said.

"Well we're not friends anymore he got Gryffindor and I got Slytherin and we've grown apart." I told them, I didn't want to tell them that he was picking on me, his parents are probably already pissed at him for getting Gryffindor.

My mother just nodded.

"And what houses are your friends in?" My dad asked.

"Well Severus is a Slytherin and Marlene and Alice are Gryffindor." I told him.

He glared at me when I mentioned that they were Gryffindor's. I knew he wouldn't like that answer.

"I would have made friends with my own house but all of my dorm mates hate me because of you, so I did what I had to do." I basically yelled at my dad to defend myself.

"Easy Artemis, we understand, you may go unpack now." My mom said and I went to my room to unpack my things.

I've never outburst on my parents like that.

So I decided to go and enjoy my care free summer.


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