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October 1st 1979

Artemis' POV

Today is my wedding day and I'm so excited.

Right now I'm at Lily's house getting ready.

We are helping each other get ready while the boys are getting ready at Sirius and I's place.

We just got our dresses on and I was doing Lily's makeup.

After that she did my light makeup.

Her and I looked out the window at everyone gathered in the wedding place at Godric's Hollow.

As soon as the boys would get here then Lily and I would have to go out there and the ceremony would begin.

"Ready Lil, they just apparated here." I told her.

"Yeah, lets go." Lily said and grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house.

Lily walked down the path first to the boys standing at the front.

I was behind her and walked off to the side because her and James would be getting married first.

After they made their vows and kissed they stepped back for Sirius and I.

I looked at Lily's face and it was filled with joy. I'm so happy for her.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward and Sirius and I held hands while the pastor married us.

I was mostly zooned out until I heard 5 words.

"You may kiss the bride." The pastor said and Sirius smiled and pecked my lips and everyone clapped.

After that everyone went under some tents and we all had cake.

When Sirius got his piece he sat down next to me, smiled and kissed my cheek.

I was in the middle of eating my piece of cake when I felt something weird on my nose.

I looked up and saw Sirius smirking with frosting on his finger.

He laughed as I whipped the frosting off my nose.

"Aww couple goals." James said jokingly.

After we finished eating and taking pictures Sirius and I went over to the Potter's.

"You know how James and I have been trying for a baby... well it finally happened, I'm pregnant." Lily squealed excitedly.

"Wow Lily that's so awesome." I said excitedly.

Lily always wanted a kid. She is going to be an awesome mother.

And actually James will probably make a good dad. He will probably be the more chill parent and Lily would keep him in line.

"So we were wondering if you two would want to be the baby's god parents?" Lily asked.

"Of course." Sirius and I said at the same time.

"Yay awesome." Lily said and Sirius clapped James on the shoulder.

"Well mate you're going to be a dad to a handsome Prongs junior." Sirius said.

"It might be a girl." Lily informed them.

"No it's going to be a boy Mrs. Potter, you can be sure of that." Sirius said and James nodded.

Then the boys went on talking about the baby and what he would be like.

"So are you and Sirius planning on having kids?" Lily asked me.

"Not right now, I think we'll wait a little, but he will probably want to have one now so they can grow up together." I told Lily.

"I know what you're saying, James and I were debating having a child during the war, but we really wanted one." Lily said.

"And I feel like this will be a boy and he will be like a big brother to your kid if you have one." Lily continued.

I nodded.

"Sirius will love the baby once he's born." I told Lily.

Lily knows we don't want a baby right now. But she knows we'll have one once this war is over and my so called father is dead.

And there is still a little doubt in my mind that this war will end.

But I just have to have hope I guess.

At least we have Lily's baby to lighten up things. 

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