424 9 0

March 1st 1977

Artemis' POV

I feel weird.

Today is the day I'm becoming an animagus, and I don't feel very good.

I keep vomiting every fifteen minutes. And my insides feel like they want to explode.

McGonagall said that this is normal.

But I have my date with Sirius in an hour so I have to get myself together.

So first I took a small 10 minute shower. Then I bradded my hair. And got dressed.

I'm wearing pink jeans, a silver belt, black boots, denim jacket, the bracelet Sirius got me, and a white shirt with a pink heart on it that has an A on it.

Then I headed up to the school entrance to meet Sirius.

When I turned a corner Lily and Marlene came around it.

"Good luck girl." Marlene said as she straightened out my jacket.

"Yeah, we'll see you up in the dorm after to tell us all about it." Lily said.

"Thanks guys." I said and began to walk away.

"Oh and if he makes out with you I heard some tips..." Marlene started. Gross.

"Ewww, no Marlene, that's not going to happen." I told her and Lily pulled her away.

Well, at least I don't think Sirius will kiss me.

What happens if he does?

What do I do?

I've never kissed someone before.

I just cleared it out of my head and went to meet Sirius.

He was standing by the entrance leaning against the doorframe.

He is so hot.

He is wearing a leather jacket, white shirt, and ripped black jeans.

I took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"Hi Artemis." Sirius said.

"Hi." I told him.

"Well lets go." Sirius said and held out his hand which I took.

Once we got down to Hogsmeade Sirius led me to The Three Broomsticks.

We ordered Butterbeers and talked for a bit.

While he was telling me about the time him and James pranked Dumbledore, I felt like I was about to puke again.

"One sec." Was all I could get out before speed walking to the bathroom.

After I vomited for two minutes I watered down my face and went back to Sirius.

"Are you ok, no offence but you look a little pale." Sirius said.

Darn it, he noticed.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell him.

"Can we go to somewhere private?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, I know the perfect place." Sirius said.

He led me to the back of Hog's Head and in front of a steep, rocky cliff.

Is he expecting me to climb that?

"I know it's a long trek but it's really great at the top." Sirius said and we started up the cliff.

It took us a while to get up there but it was a great view at the top.

Sirius went over to a rock and pushed a big piece aside.

Wow, he's strong.

He gestured for me to go into the cave.

So I walked in and there was a hole in the ceiling of the cave so there was dim light flowing though the cave.

There was rocks by the light that Sirius and I sat on.

"So tell me what's goin' on." Sirius said and looked at me with gentle, caring grey eyes.

"It might sound crazy but umm, I'm in the process of becoming an animagus and at some point today I am going to turn into a German Shepard." I told him.

The look he gave me was interesting.

It was pitiful, understanding, and happy at the same time.

"It's fine, I understand." He said and I gave him a confused look.

How can he understand?

"All I can tell you is that I am an animagus, if you haven't seen my name in the book it is because I'm not a legal animagus, please don't tell anyone." Sirius quickly said.

Well Sirius is a bit stubborn so I'm not surprised he didn't ask for help or tell a teacher.

I looked over at where Sirius was sitting and Sirius was no longer there.

In his place was a big black dog.

He was adorable.

I couldn't help but let out an awww, which made Sirius' tail wag.

Wait, he's a dog, a big dog like a German Shepard.

Wow, just wow.

I doesn't have to mean anything but who knows it could mean something.

Sirius walked over to me and put his big, adorable head on my knee.

"Don't worry Sirius I won't tell a soul." I told him and scratched behind his ears.

He licked my arm and nuzzled his head into my leg before walking back to where he was sitting.

Then I felt another round of vomit coming up so I ran to the cave entrance and vomited on the grass.

Then I felt everything feeling sore and my head was spinning.

I closed my eyes through the process of whatever was happening.

When I opened my eyes I looked around and felt smaller than before.

I looked down at my feet.

And they were furry.

I let out a joyful bark.

I'm an animagus!!

Sirius walked over to me and nuzzled his head into my neck and licked one of my ears.

"Congrats." He woofed in my ear.

We then started walking down the cliff and up to Hogwarts as our furry selves.

We stopped at the school entrance and changed into humans from behind a bush.

Sirius led me up to the common room and stopped me before we got to the girls dorm.

"Artemis Riddle, will you be my girlfriend?" Sirius asked me.

"Hell yeah." I said and he smiled at me before kissing my cheek and walking into his dorm.


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