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 March 2nd, 1960

Third Person POV

Screams, that's all you could hear inside of Malfoy Manor

Because Anastasia Riddle was currently having the Dark Lords baby.

As this was happening a house elf named Laci was running from a bedroom to the meeting room.

She nervously opened the door and two dozen eyes looked at her.

"M-my l-l-lord, the baby is here, it is a girl my lord." Laci shuddered out.

Tom Marvolo Riddle who was at the head of the table let out a small scowl.

He didn't want a child and if he did he would have wanted a son, not a daughter.

"I will be there shortly." Tom spat at Laci who backed out of the room.

Meanwhile in the bedroom Ana was holding her new baby girl in her arms.

The people around her were smiling at the mother and her daughter because every one of them knew that having a baby was hard because they all have children of their own.

"She's beautiful Ana." Olivia Malfoy said.

"Yeah, she's got Tom's eyes and your hair." Rachel Lestrange said.

Ana loves her daughter but deep down she doesn't think Tom does.

"I know, but will Tom let her live, he told me that he didn't want a child and especially not a daughter. I don't know how he will react." Ana said.

As if on cue Tom walked in.

His dark red eyes grazed over Ana and her baby. His eyes used to be brown but turned a hint of red because he killed people.

"We're gonna go." Rachel said and hurried the other girls out of the room, leaving Tom, Ana and the baby.

"Tom, I know you didn't want a daughter but I promise I'll keep her out of your way." Ana pleaded.

Tom didn't say anything but just walked over to her and the baby.

The baby looked up at her father and her chocolate eyes met with his maroon ones.

Tom smiled down at the girl who was reaching out towards him.

"I'm fine with her, as long as she doesn't cry a lot, has she cried yet?" Tom asked Ana as the baby tried to get out of her mothers arms and into her fathers.

"For like thirty seconds after she was born." Ana told him.

One reason Tom didn't like kids was because they were too loud, their crying and the weird shreeking noise they make.

"I will be training her when she reaches the age of 9, teach her magic a little early and about Pure-Blood's and Mud-Bloods." Tom said.

Ana scowled at his last word. Ana didn't have anything against muggles and muggle borns and she always hated how Tom treated them.

"What should we name her?" Ana asked.

"I don't care, she will not have a common muggle name though." Tom said.

"How about Artemis?" Ana suggested.

"Fine." Tom said.

And with that he exited the room.

And that was the day Artemis Rachel Riddle came into the world.



Hi everybody thank you for clicking on this book. For the next chapters it will be about Artemis' life before Hogwarts.

This is my book from Quotev. I have more Harry Potter stuff on there so you can go to my profile for the link. 

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