Chapter 202: One Rainy Day

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Crackle Crackle Drizzle Drizzle

The sun is nowhere to be seen, only dark and ominous clouds drifting slowly in the sky, quick flashes of blue and white streaming towards the ground, loud thunders following soon after. The day was gloomy,

The rain graced down the ground, the sound of trickles and drizzles to be heard. It was a heavy downpour, only a few people walking on the road. The sight was obscured by the mist brought by rain, not much visibility as the rain continued to pour.

A lone, big house, standing lonely in a grassy area, only a couple houses neighboring it and a single path leading towards it. The roofs, garden, windows, and balconies, all were wet and slippery. The mood only getting gloomier by the second.

In such a big house, a certain elf looked over the window, staring ever so curiously, hints of dejection to be seen. She continued to stare outside and the rain continued on pouring. All she could do was heave a sigh of resignation.

"Hmm... Looks like the rain won't be going anytime soon..." [Yuna]

Of course, that elf was none other than Yuna. It has been a couple days since they helped out Helen, and now, they are stuck in the house, unable to do anything. They were planning to go on a quest too. Such a shame that the weather has other plans.

Yuna sat back down the couch, a sulking expression painted on her face. The day she so looked forward to was now ruined, only boredom remaining in her heart. Her eyes drifted away towards the kitchen where another youth was, mixing and stirring a couple ingredients and tasting them soon after.

She wanted to hug him tightly but was also too lazy to move away from the couch. A certain emotion of laziness was sprouting in her heart as she continued looking at her beloved, heart torn apart by love and laziness. Laziness brought about by gloom and the heavy rain.

'Should I play some games? Maybe I should cook... No.., what if...' [Yuna]

Staring at the ceiling, Yuna thought of ways to relieve herself of boredom. Be it playing games or simply cuddling with the familiars, there were many she could think of. Yet no matter how much she thought of it, she barely had the energy to do them.

Well, she wasn't the only one. The familiars which would usually also be playing around were now resting on the floor and couches, huddling with one another, also not having enough energy to play around.

Ring Ring Ring

But just when all seemed hopeless over, the phone started ringing. High pitched bells and chimes drifted in the air, waking up the some sleeping furballs and drawing Yuna's attention, her eyes painted with laziness drifting towards it.

"Arcturus... The phone please..." [Yuna]

"Yes, Mistress." [Arcturus]

Well, even if it aroused Yuna's interest, she was still too lazy to move from the couch. Thankfully, the familiars were there to assist her. It wasn't long before Arcturus got the phone and handed it over to her.

"Hello... Yuna here..." [Yuna]

「Ah! Elder Sister Yuna! Good morning!」 [Eliza]

Even then... Even when it was raining so hard you'd just want to slack off, Eliza's energy was still through the roof. Yuna couldn't see her face, but judging from her voice alone, it was clear that she was smiling brightly from ear to ear, excitement flooding her heart.

"Mmn... Morning, Liz... How's your day going?" [Yuna]

「It's been going well! I just finished my morning studies and got a perfect score! Father said he'll buy me something as a reward!」 [Eliza]

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