Chapter Ten

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I arrived at work just on time as usual and took a seat at my desk.

I've decorated it a bit since I got back. Charlie said it might make me feel better but I don't think it made much of a difference.

Will has been pissy at me all week, all because I didn't let him use my car.

It might also be the fact that I won't tell him what happened the other day with Harris.

What? I don't want to relive the embarrassment.

Although it seems I might have to...

I've just discovered a post-it note saying, 'My office asap.'

Gee, I wonder who that's from.

What if I pretend I didn't see it?

Nah, she'll know I did. It's right in front of me.

I audibly sighed as I stood up to approach the DCI office, stopping at the door but not knocking.

I'll procrastinate as long as I can, I don't care.

"Beckett, come in." I heard from inside.

I furrowed my eyebrows and entered the room, "How did you know I was there?"

"I could practically hear you trying to find an excuse to avoid me."

Well, this is a bit awks.


"Yes ma'am."

She smirked, leaning forward to rest her head on her knuckles.

"You requested my presence?" I sighed.

"Yes. I'd like to take you for a drink."

Thank god I wasn't already drinking something because I would've spat it everywhere.

"You what?" I coughed out.

"I'd like to take you out for a drink." She said, refusing to break eye contact.

"So you can take me home and kill me?" I questioned.

"Maybe not kill you." She smirked.

"Maybe!?" I exclaimed.

She stared at me sarcastically, "Look, you don't have to but I just thought a friendly drink might be fun."

"Just a friendly drink? As friends? Alone? And it's not a date?"

"Yes, for now, yes, and definitely not a date, is that too much to ask?" She said, raising her eyebrow.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "No ulterior motive?"


I contemplated it for a second before retrieving my phone from my pocket and placing it in front of her.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, but I'm gonna need your number in case you stand me up."

She took her phone out of her pocket and scrolled on it a few times before pressing a button.

Suddenly my phone started ringing.

I looked at the unknown number confused.

"Only an idiot would stand you up." She said, pressing her phone again.

A second later my phone stopped ringing.


"So I should have a backup then yeah?"

"Watch it." She glared.

I shot my hands up, "Jeez relax, I'm kidding. Text me when you want me."

"Will do." She smiled.

I got up to leave but turned to face her before I reached for the door, "Oh, and if I call. Pick up. Don't want a repeat of last time." I laughed.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"When I got shot?"

She grimaced as if she was in pain before returning to her confused expression.

"Anna tried to call you like three times?" I elaborated.

"She never called me that day." She said, even more confused.

"Oh, maybe I'm losing it... Anyways, pick up the damn phone." I smiled as I left her office.

I have got to call Will...

As soon as I stepped foot outside the building I called him.

"What do you want." He said, pretending to be mad.

I ignored his loving greeting, "You'll never guess what just happened."

"You finally lost your virginity?"

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with waiting." I frowned.

"Yeah right, like you could wait."

Ouch, that one hurt.

"Fine, I guess I won't tell you about my non-date." I shrugged.

"YOU GOT A DATE?" He squealed.

"I don't know why it surprises you so much considering I apparently shag anyone and everyone."

"Nooo come on tell me I'm sorry." I could almost see the pout on his face.

"Fine, since you apologized. Harris asked to take me out for a drink."


"Yes, as friends. It's not a date. I don't know when, she said she'd text me."

"Sure sure, not a date my ass. That woman is practically on her hands and knees for you already." He said, most likely rolling his eyes.

"It's not a date William." I huffed.

"You're both in denial. You better let me know how it goes."

"If you're nice to me I shall."

He sighed, "Fine. Shit, I gotta go but keep me updated. Someone's gotta pilot this ship."

"Alright, laters looser." I smiled into the phone.

"Bye biatch."

It's not a bloody date.

I didn't even get to put my phone back in my pocket before it went off.

Already? I only left her office ten minutes ago.

'Tomorrow after work. Wear something nice. - Harris.'

God, does she ever let loose?

She'd better tomorrow or she's gonna have a great time with my grumpy ass.

'Don't I always wear something nice?' I replied.

'Don't be late.'

Oh, well that's just lovely isn't it.

I guess I'll have to wear something terrible.

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