Chapter Twenty One

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Harris POV

I was rudely interrupted by Lorelai bursting into my office.

"We're going to the movies with Will tonight." She panted.

How on earth did she pass her blip test?

Hold on, what?

"We? No. I'm having a nice relaxing evening doing paperwork."

"Come on, you love Will."

I burst out laughing, "Love? I don't think so, honey. I don't want to spend another second with your brother."

"I know he got on your nerves in the hospital but he'll be nice I promise."

"That's an understatement," I mumbled.

She closed the door, slowly approaching my desk.

"I'll make it worth your while." She smirked.

I should've known it would come to this...

"Fine." I sighed.

"Wow, that really didn't take much." She said surprised.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I challenged.

She waved me off, walking to the door, "Nothing dear. I'll pick you up after your shift."

Dear? What am I? Eighty?

"Byeee." She called out before quickly closing the door after her.

This woman...

The rest of my shift consisted of the usual paperwork and trying to get to the bottom of this case.

It's hard to find the time to work on this when none of your colleagues are allowed to know about it.

I mean I get why she can't know but it just feels like I'm lying to her all the time.

I just need this arrest warrant to go through and then everything will be fine.

Before I could get too wrapped up in my thoughts, the door opened.

"Don't bother knocking." I sighed, putting the papers back in the file.

"I won't." Loerlai grinned.

"I presume you are ready for this torment?" I said, raising my eyebrow.

She pouted, "Be nice, he's my brother."

Her annoying brother.

I reluctantly got out of my chair and made my way to her car, chucking her the keys to lock up like I usually do.

The car journey was relatively painless, considering it was rush hour.

Unfortunately, Will was already waiting for us outside the cinema.

I didn't even get a second to mentally prepare myself.

"Harris, long time no see. How've you been treating my sister?" Will grinned as we approached him.

"I wish it was longer," I mumbled.

"Me too," Lorelai smirked from beside me.

I decided to ignore her comment for both our sanity.

"Hello, Andouille." I fake smiled.

"Damn, don't get too excited." He laughed.

"Trust me, I won't." I sighed.

"See, you're already besties again." Lorelai chimed in.

"Fuck no." William and I said in unison.

"Right well hurry up, we're about to see the sexiest woman alive in 4k." She grinned mischievously.

"Didn't know you were in a movie," I smirked.

I immediately heard a fake gagging sound to my left, not even needing to turn to see who it was.

"Gross," Will complained.

"You're gross."

"That's so sweet of you." He retorted.

"Will you two just give over and get in the bloody queue?"

Eventually, we got our tickets and made our way to the screen.

It didn't take long for the ads to start playing.

"I fucking hate adverts." William huffed.

"Tell me about it." I tutted.

"I actually quite enjoy them." Lorelai shrugged.

"Of course you do." William and I said at the same time, yet again.

"That's it, I'm going to the bathroom." She grumbled.

It hadn't even been thirty seconds before William spoke up.

"Have you seen her figurines yet? They're obnoxious."

I nodded in response, "Why are they even there?"

"Fuck knows." He shrugged, turning to face me, "So when are you gonna ask my sister to be official?"

"You what? Isn't it a bit soon?" I asked, slightly taken aback by the question.

"It's been what, seven months since she started working there? And like a month of you two going on dates. So I'd say no, it's not too early."

I peeked behind him to see Lorelai coming back, "You might have a point there." I mumbled.

"Better hurry up she's not gonna wait for you."

"I come baring gifts," Lorelai said, scooting past Will to sit down.

"What?" William asked.

She held up a pick n mix bag, "Some girl got me this." She smiled.

"In exchange for what?" I glared.

"My number." She shrugged.

I just nodded in response, not having the effort to come up with something nice.

"That's sweet." William smiled.

He tapped his finger on his watch, mouthing, 'Clocks ticking.' at me.

I sat there sulking for the whole movie.

It's not like we're exclusive or anything... We've only been on like five dates.

But still, doesn't mean I'm not mad about it

I've never actually asked anyone to be my partner before. To be honest, both my exes left because I spent too much time at work.

But it's different with Lorelai, she knows how much time you have to dedicate to the job. Hell, she probably does more overtime than I do...

Plus, I really enjoy her company and it does help that she's fucking gorgeous. She's practically a genius too... I'd be an idiot if I didn't even try...

Okay, that settles it, I'll ask her tonight.

Solve My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora