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I woke up to an empty bed and a note beside me on the pillow.

'Dear Lorelai,
I thought about waking you up to say goodbye but you're a grumpy sod so I decided against it.
Don't forget you're working on that case with me at 1 pm.
I'll see you later, Harris.
P.S. You definitely snored last night.'

I do not bloody snore.

My phone buzzed beside my head, scaring the living shite out of me.

'Open up, it's Mum's favourite child.'

Sure Will, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed and answered the door.

"Surprise!" He yelled, grinning from ear to ear.

"Am I missing something?" I questioned.

He rolled his eyes, "It's been three years since the Schwartz murder!"

"Right," I muttered walking into the living room.

"Hey without that you never would've made DC let alone DCI." He shrugged, following on my heels.

"Gee thanks." I huffed, plopping down onto the sofa.

"How's that going by the way? It must suck not seeing Harris all the time." He asked, completely ignoring personal space and practically sitting on top of me.

"How's what going?"

"Are you even listening to anything I say?"

I closed my eyes in an attempt to block him out, "Not particularly."

"Right well you've only got about 45 minutes to get ready."

My eyes shot open, "You what?"

"Yeah so chop chop, I'm driving."

I scrambled to my feet, running to Harris and I's bedroom to get ready.

"Try to wear something nice for a change." He yelled.

"Piss off William," I shouted back.

It only took me about 15 minutes to get ready. I was smart enough to hang up my clothes last night.

I jogged down the stairs and made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a snack for the ride.


"Yep just let me reply to this text real quick."

I stood there watching his thumbs type away with a stupid grin on his face.

I raised my eyebrow at him, "Ready now?"

"Aaaaand... sent." He hopped up off the couch all giddy, "Let's go."

"You alright there?"

"Yup." He grinned, almost skipping to the door, holding it open for me.

I cautiously exited the house, "You're odd."

"You love me really." He replied, closing the door behind us.

I got in the passenger seat of the car and waited for Will to finish faffing.

Eventually, we made our way to the crime scene, parking a street away.

Mainly because Will was acting way too fucking happy for a crime scene.

I got out of the car only to get startled by the sound of Will shutting the driver's side door behind him.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I wanna say hi to Harris." He shrugged.

"Do you really have to?"

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