Chapter Fourteen

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I totally didn't call her.

I got too nervous okay? What if she changed her mind? What if she was busy? I'd rather just take care of myself.

And let's just say I slept like a baby that night.

I decided to bring Toni to my second favourite restaurant. Mainly because if I took her to Otto's then Will might be there.

I told her to dress however the fuck she wanted because let's be honest, she always looks good.

I'm the one who has to worry.

Fuck it, I'll change it up a bit and wear a short sleeve button-up. That way when I inevitably get too hot I don't have to faff with my sleeves.

I know, I'm a genius.

Shit, it's nearly half past... She should be finishing work soon.

I'm just glad I finished early today.

Gives me time to mentally prepare myself innit.

Okay, just gotta put my watch on then I'm ready.

I got in my car and drove to work, eventually pulling into the car park.

Okay, deep breaths Rory.

I hesitantly knocked on her door right on the hour.

"Come in."

"Hello, stranger." She grinned.

"Fuck me..." I mumbled in amazement.

"That's more of an after-dinner activity don't you think?" She smirked.

I didn't even register what she was saying because I was too busy admiring her dress.

The way it hugged her curves could kill me right now. And the slit that goes far enough up her thigh to tease you but not enough to give too much away.

"You look stunning." I breathed, not taking my eyes off her for even a second.

She tried to hide the blush on her cheeks by looking at the papers on her desk, "Not too shabby yourself Beckett. You ready to go?"

I nodded, still not able to move my body.

I watched as she brushed past me and exited the office, tossing me the keys, "Lock up. Oh, and you're driving by the way."

I stood there baffled with her keys in my hand.

"We haven't got all evening Beckett." She called out from the empty hall.

I quickly locked the door and put her keys in my pocket before jogging up to her.

Okay, but why did it feel so badass locking a door?

"I never had you for a Chevy kinda girl." She mimicked from our previous car journey.

"I'm full of surprises," I smirked, opening the passenger side door.

"I don't doubt that for a second." She beamed as she climbed into the car.

I could feel her watching me as I walked around the front of the car, hopping in the driver's seat.

"Where is your car anyway?" I questioned, pulling out of the car park.

She shrugged, "Left it at home."

"Did you forget we had a date?"

"No." She grinned playfully.

"You don't half confuse me sometimes." I sighed.

It didn't take long for us to pull up to the restaurant. It's surprisingly quiet in here for a Saturday.

We ordered our drinks as soon as we sat down because imma need one for this.

"I hope you know I intend to learn everything about you tonight." I smiled, taking a sip from my drink.

"That'll only take you ten minutes." She laughed.

"Alright, start with France."

"Well, I was born in France as you already know. My birth mum fucked off the second she could. So it was just me and Dad until we moved to England. Then he married Clara and she became my unofficial Mum."

"Why unofficial?" I questioned.

"She couldn't adopt me for some reason but I changed my surname to hers when I turned eighteen."

I nodded, taking in the information, "What was your original surname?"


"That makes so much more sense."

"Why?" She laughed.

"Harris isn't very French." I shrugged.

She contemplated it for a second, "I suppose you're right."

I wanna know how old she is but I don't want to come across as rude...

Time to put my detective hat on.

"How old were you when you came here?"

She took a minute to think before answering, "It was right after my sixth birthday."

"How long have you lived here?" I asked innocently.

She raised her eyebrow in amusement, "I'm not an idiot Lorelai, I know what you're doing. Just ask me."

I blushed shyly, "Isn't that rude?"

"Usually yes but not in this circumstance."

"Fine, how old are you?" I avoided eye contact and sipped my drink.

"Sixty-four." She said nonchalantly.


I choked on my drink, trying not to be rude.

She burst out laughing, "Relax, I'm winding you up. I'm only thirty-three."

"Sorry, that caught me off guard." I chuckled.

She shook her head, grinning, "No shit, Sherlock."

I took a second to compose myself before grilling her more, "When's your birthday?"

"Ninth of October. How about you?" She smiled.

"Seventeenth of July."

"I missed your birthday?" She pouted.

"Actually, I missed my own birthday. I'm pretty sure you were there."

The realisation hit her and her eyes grew sad, "You were in hospital..."

"It would've been dead anyway so don't worry about it." I shrugged, "That reminds me. I wanted to thank you for being there and helping out."

"I didn't do that much to be honest. I'm just glad I don't have to go back there. I fucking hate hospitals."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?"

She cleared her throat and adjusted in her seat, "Uh, both my parents died in hospital."

I placed my hand on hers, attempting to reassure her, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, long time ago. What about you? What's your story?." She changed the subject, brushing it off.

I told her everything major there was to know about my life so far.

Mainly about how I was adopted right after Will and I's first birthday and how we're only 25 days apart.

Mam and Dad tried for years to have a baby of their own.

Luckily, my birth mother, Lucy got pregnant with me and they were in line to adopt me.

Lucy was too young to have a baby according to her and she wanted me to have a decent shot at life.

But Mam found out two months into Lucy's pregnancy that she also managed to get pregnant.

And that's how Will and I became the dynamic duo we are today.

By time I'd finished chatting we had already cleared our plates.

I'd somehow persuaded Toni to split the bill instead of her paying for it all.

Now it's time to drive her home but I don't particularly want tonight to end just yet...

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