Chapter Three

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This Charlie Nolan guy bless his heart, he's a bit daft and it's not his fault but it makes my job harder.

I've been here for a week now and I finally get to stop shadowing him and jump in.

This is great because poor Charlie has done a terrible job with this murder case.

I have a meeting with Ton... DCI Harris, in about five minutes to discuss the case.

I'm shitting bricks...

Will stole my car and drove me again which was nice of him but I think it's because I offered to take him to Otto's so we could celebrate surviving a week with Harris.

He's figured out I've got a thing for her but then again Charlie could probably figure that out...


Oh god, here we go.

Harris held the door open whilst I swiftly entered her office.


Yes ma'am.

She made herself comfortable and studied me for a few seconds before speaking up, "How's the case going?"

"It's going... okay."

She narrowed her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"Okay listen, I'm the last person to do this but I think Charlie has made a mistake."

She leaned forward, entwining her fingers like she did the first time I was in her office, "How so?"

"I don't think it was our main suspect."

She stuck her hand out in the middle of the desk and my dumbass thought for a split second that she wanted me to hold it.

If it wasn't for the case file I was currently holding I would have reached out.

I handed her the file and gave her a minute to look through it.


"Do you think she did it?" I asked, nervously twiddling my thumbs.

"It looks like an open and shut case to me, I mean her fingerprints were found on the gun."

"See that's the thing, I spoke to the suspect and..."

"You interviewed her?" She interrupted.


"Without consulting me first?"

"It was in the moment," I muttered sheepishly.

She was silent for a short while before nodding for me to continue.

"Well, I asked her how soon after she heard the gunshot did our witness rush in and she said about two minutes."

"Your point being?" She sighed impatiently.

"She was covered in blood when they found her but if you look at the pictures of her at the scene, it's all in one place."

She rubbed her forehead with her hands, "Beckett. I know it's your first week but..."

"No wait you see, there's no blood splatter." I interrupted.

She raised her eyebrow in surprise, "So?"

"Who can clean blood splatter in two minutes? Plus, Nadjia said the shot was taken from about six feet away. If it really was her, she would have some kind of splatter."

"Prove it."

"I will all I need is something to mimic the victim and someone to shoot the gun. I was sort of hoping you could help me with the latter..."

She scoffed, "Ask Nolan."

"I can't, he doesn't have his license."

"You'd better think real hard if you're about to ask me to shoot the gun for you." She glared.

"Please?" I tried my hardest not to give her puppy dog eyes because god knows that wouldn't help my case.


Her eyes ran down my body as she contemplated my answer.

Hell, I'm surprised she's even considering it.

"You have half an hour to get everything ready. I'll meet you in the range." She finally responded bluntly, keeping a straight face.

I grinned in excitement and I swear I saw her lips briefly twitch upwards.

"Clocks ticking."

"Shit. Thank you so much." I said, scrambling out of my seat and rushing to find the supplies.

I actually can't believe she said yes.

I know I could have done it myself seeing as I do have a license to shoot but I'm not entirely sure she'd let me down there unsupervised yet and I don't particularly trust Charlie with a gun.

Plus if I'm right she might be nicer to me who knows.

It's strange that she didn't mention my license at all, I feel like that would've been on the first page in my file.

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