Chapter Seventeen

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It'd been around ten minutes when I heard the door open and close. My heart beat faster with every step she took until I saw her emerge from the doorway.

Her eyes ran up my body, increasing my heart rate significantly, "Bonjour magnifique."

I couldn't help but blush at the compliment.

"You know that one huh?" She smirks, taking in my flustered appearance.

"Je le sais," I said proudly.

I watched as a toothy grin made its way onto her face, "I'm impressed."

"Good because dinner is nearly done and I have absolutely no faith in myself." I laughed.

"Is that what smells so damn good?" She asked, taking off her blazer and putting it on the back of a stool.

God, I love her work clothes.

I completely zoned out at the sight of her. So much so that it didn't even register in my brain that she was approaching me until her hands were on my hips.

"Oh, hi." I met her eyes innocently.

"Bit distracted there?" She smirked.

"No, just uh, counting?" I blurted out as a poor excuse.

"Oh yeah, counting what?"

The amount of restraint it takes to keep my fucking hands off you...

"Lorelai?" She raised her eyebrows, bringing me back to reality.


"What are you counting?" She pressed.

"Oh! Uh, the amount of time left for the oven?" I respond, not sure of myself.

The timer on my phone conveniently went off. Thank you universe.

"See? I was totally telling the truth."

"If you say so." She grinned, removing her hands so I could get the food out of the oven.

"I hope you're ready to be disappointed."

"I'm never disappointed in you."

"That's bullshit and you know it." I challenged.

"Honestly, it's not. You just wind me up." She shrugged.

"At least I'm on your mind," I smirked.

"Je pense toujours à toi." She purred.

I think I just died.

I... Oh my god.

I had to lean against the counter for support.

What I would give to hear whatever the fuck she just said again.

She noticed my, flustered state and slowly invaded my personal space.

"What's the matter, Beckett? You look hot."

"It's hot in here." I breathed.

"You know? You're right, it is a bit hot in here."

She reached her hands up to her shirt and began unbuttoning the first three buttons.

My breathing hitched in my throat as she lightly placed her finger at the base of my throat, dragging it upwards to meet my chin.

She leaned in, almost an inch away from my lips, not once breaking eye contact.

"Let's eat." She whispered.

"You?" I breathed out loud.

She chuckled and moved away, getting two plates out of the cupboard while I stand there bewildered.

"You coming?"

"Yes." I managed to get out.

She carried the plates whilst I carried my legs that suddenly decided to stop working.

Once I regained my composure, I spoke up, "I'm sorry if it's terrible."

"You're too perfect remember?" She playfully smiled before taking a bite.

I discreetly watched as her eyes went wide and she stopped chewing.

Oh god, here we go...

"I... I'm speechless." She said, with words, clearly not speechless.

I knew this was a terrible idea.

"I could kiss you this is so good." She eventually says.

Sorry, what? Good? Hold on, kiss me? Fuck yeah, "You could kiss me anyway."

"Don't worry, I bloody will after this."

I laughed as I watched her eagerly admire the food.

Once she'd gotten over the shock and finished her plate she sighed contently, "Thank you for doing this. It was really nice of you."

"See Harris, wife material," I said simply.

"Keep making that and I'll fucking consider it." She muttered.

I raised my eyebrow at her knowingly.

"Don't start." She sighed, rolling her eyes but I could see the corners of her mouth twitching.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I realised the time.

"I should probably go soon..." I sighed.

Her eyes grew sad, "Oh. Uh yeah, sure no worries." She put on a fake smile.

Why is she acting so weird?

"Do you want me to stay?" I asked confused.

"I mean if you don't have to go right now, we could watch a movie or something." She suggested, looking down at her lap.

Aww, she's nervous. How sweet.

"I'd love to." I smiled.

"Good. Pick something whilst I wash up." Her eyes lit up but she tried to play it cool.

Don't worry Harris, you'll always be cool to me.

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