Chapter Twenty Six

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I woke up to a light knock on the door.

"Sorry to disturb, Nancy has made breakfast if you'd like any." A soft-spoken man said from the crack of the door.

"Uh sure, thank you." I smiled, still half asleep.

He gently closed the door, letting me get up.

So now I've met the whole family...

Suddenly an obnoxious knock came at the door as William shouted behind it, "Get your ass up Harris, Mum made your favourite."

What the fuck is going on?

I slowly got out of bed, procrastinating having to face them again.

After quickly fixing my appearance in the mirror I went to the kitchen.

"Antoinette, how are you feeling?" Mrs Beckett who I guess is Nancy asked.

"Terrible." I nervously laughed.

She handed me paracetamol and some water then placed a plate of waffles in front of me.

"I love waffles!" I grinned.

"We know." William rolled his eyes, "Rory doesn't shut up about you."

"Be nice Will." Mr Beckett glared.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Rory told us what happened." Nancy smiled sadly.


"I think she's overreacting." Will shrugged.

"William." She glared.

"What else were you supposed to do? It's an open investigation." 

As much as I pretend to hate will, he does always have my back strangely.

"I still lied to her." I sighed.

"She'll get over it, dear." Mr Beckett said behind a newspaper.

"I don't know."

"Just talk to her. She clearly loves you." He added.

I stayed silent, contemplating what he said, taking a bite out of the waffle.

"Do you love her?" Nancy asked.

I choked on the waffle, reaching for the water.

"Well done Nancy, you scared the poor girl." Mr Beckett sighed.

"Jim pack it in." She muttered.

After I managed to breathe again I managed to give her an answer.


"Probably? What kind of answer is that?" William laughed.

"I don't know. I just... She's great and everything."


"I haven't really thought about it."

"Well, I'd start soon because she's five minutes away."

I started choking again, "What!"

William laughed, "I'm joking. She's at work."

Mr Beckett... Jim, rolled up his newspaper and smacked him on the back of the head with it, "Bloody idiot."

I have never felt such happiness at the sight.

"On a real note though. If you weren't already hopelessly in love with her, why did you stay at the hospital?" He asked.

"I guess I wanted to make sure she was properly looked after."

He raised his eyebrow, "That's what nurses are for but you didn't let them touch her."

"What do you mean?" Nancy questioned.

"Every time they went to bathe her or feed her, this one stopped them. She was convinced they weren't doing it properly."

"They weren't." I shrugged.

"Harris you never left her side." He said, looking at me with an all-knowing smile.


"No one does that."

"He's got a point," Jim added, causing Nancy to glare at him.

"You love her." William smiled.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked.

"She's my sister." He shrugged.

"No shit William but why are you trying so hard to get us together?"

"Because it's really annoying watching you both deny it." He sighed.


I finished the rest of my waffles in silence, pondering William's points.

As hard as it is to admit, he might be right...

I looked at my watch and panicked, "Shit I'm late for work."

"Relax, I'll drive you." Nancy smiled.

"Oh, that's very kind of you, you really don't have to."

She swatted the air, "Nonsense I need to talk to Rory anyway."

"Alright, if you insist." I smiled.

She took a few minutes getting ready and met me back in the kitchen, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." I smiled, following her out to her car and getting in.

"I really appreciate you doing this Mrs Beckett."

"Oh stop it, call me Nancy." She laughed, turning the ignition.

"I hope you manage to sort things out with Rory. She's been happier since she met you."

"I'll try my best." I half-smiled.

"Look, I actually offered to drive you because I wanted to tell you something." She confessed.

"Okay?" I spoke hesitantly.

Nancy took a deep breath before speaking, "Her last relationship ended rather badly. I won't go into detail because she doesn't like talking about it, but she trusted the girl and it got thrown back in her face."

I couldn't help but feel angry at whoever did this to her, "That's awful."

"She's been much better over the past several months and I think that's because of you. So just, keep that in mind when you speak to her." She smiled softly.

"I will. Thank you, Nancy."

Well, this has been a rollercoaster of a morning so far...

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