Chapter One

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Rory POV

I woke up to my brother shaking me like there was no tomorrow.

"What the fuck Will? Why are you in my house?" I questioned, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"I'm driving you to work you daft sod. It's your first day! How do you feel?"

I swear, he gets more excited about my life than he does his own.

"Okay? I feel pretty tired. What time is it?" My arms flapped around my bed searching for my phone.

"6:47 am." He smiled, all proud of himself for waking up so early.

What a weirdo.

"Shit, I'm supposed to leave in thirteen minutes." My eyes grew wide, attempting to correct my morning blurry vision.

"Good job I'm here then. Hurry up." He said, leaving the room to give me privacy. "I ironed your shirt and cooked breakfast because fuck knows you wouldn't." He shouted behind him.

"Thanks," I called out.

Thanks to Will, it only took me ten minutes to get ready.

I emerged from my bedroom to find him leaning against the front door, scrolling through his phone.

"Shit, where are my keys?" I muttered.

Not even a second later my eyes adjusted to the jingly sound coming from the front door.

Thanks, Will.

"Food." He said, not looking up from his phone.


I grabbed the tupperware of food off the counter and rushed out the door.

"Will, where's your car?"

"Right here." He smiled, patting the roof of my bloody car.

I stared at him blankly, "You're stealing my car..."

"Yup." He grinned as he opened the door and hopped in the driver's seat.

I lazily climbed in the other side and shut the door.

"You do understand I'm a police officer right?"

He turned the ignition and pulled out before panning to me, "Not anymore."

I mean he's not wrong...

Today is my first day being a detective.

Don't ask me how I got here because I don't even know myself.

"You excited?" He spoke up after about ten minutes.

I'm surprised he managed to keep quiet for so long.

"I guess so."

He stared at me blankly before sighing, "Okay, what's the matter?"

"What if they don't like me?" I pouted.

"They probably won't but that's okay, no one does." He shrugged.

I shoved his shoulder lightly as he turned into the car park.

"Hey, that's illegal." He glared.

"Piss off William. I'm being serious, what if they think I suck at my job?"

"You won't suck at your job. If you were terrible they wouldn't have offered you the opportunity in the first place."

I sighed, staring out the window at the intimidatingly large building ahead.

"You know I'm right." He grinned.

"Fine, I guess you're right," I replied, trying not to crack a smile.

"That's the spirit. Come on, I'll walk you in."

We arrived at the door and I immediately started panicking.

Why did I say yes to this...

It wasn't until I looked down and noticed Will's shoes that I instantly felt so much better.

"Will, what the fuck are you wearing?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

This grown-ass man is wearing crocs, sports mode and all.

"What? You don't like my shoes?" He laughed as he jumped and clicked his heels together.

Fucking hell, he really doesn't get the whole time and place thing does he...

"They're very bold." I chuckled.

Our laughter immediately ceased as we turned the corner to meet the eyes of a stunning blonde-haired woman.

And boy did she look mad...

"Oop," Will mumbled.

"Beckett, I presume?" She said sternly, Harshly analysing me and Will.

I recognise her voice from the phone interview I had last week, she's supposed to be my boss.

It really doesn't help that she's drop-dead gorgeous.

I cleared my throat and stuck out my hand, "Yes ma'am. Nice to meet you."

She briefly hesitated before taking my hand and shaking it rather firmly. I honestly thought she was going to rip it off for a second.

Her curious but strangely beautiful eyes never left mine and neither did her hand until Will started fidgeting on the spot.

Did I seriously just call her eyes beautiful?

Her eyes panned to him and I swear I saw him flinch.

"I'm her brother, William." He said, clearly petrified.

Her eyes softened immediately and she straightened herself up.

I believe I even saw her lips curl slightly upwards at the corners.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking.

"I'm gonna head out, let me know when you're finished and I'll come pick you up," Will muttered, desperately trying to escape the tension.

"Alright, if you're not busy we can swing by Otto's and get dinner." I smiled.

His face lit up at the mention of Otto's.

I swear, he lives in that place.

Once he had gone the woman finally broke the silence.

I don't even remember her name. I'm terrible at this already.

"I'll need to debrief you in my office before you start." She said, walking in the opposite direction.

I presume I have to follow her right?

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