Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up to the most terrifying thing on the planet.


She was fucking staring at me whilst propping her head up on her elbow.

She thought it was fucking hysterical too.

"I'm gonna get you back for that," I mumbled grumpily.

"Looking forward to it." She grinned.

I fumbled around for my phone, eventually locating it on the side table.

"Fuck, it's 7:20 already?" I panicked.

"Relax, I'll drive you." She sighed.

"What do you mean relax? I have to be interviewed today remember?" I widened my eyes at her.

"I could always call in and say you're not feeling well." She mumbled, looking at the imaginary circles she was tracing on the bed.

"No." I glared, getting out of bed.

I quickly put my clothes back on from our date. And scrambled to get my shit together.

I probably should have washed these...

"Why aren't you rushing?" I said confused as I turned to her.

She obnoxiously turned to lay on her back, "I was thinking I might call in sick."

"Fine, but you'll never know what actually happened." I shrugged.

She sighed in defeat, "I just... It's hard to listen to."

"Yeah? Well, imagine having to tell a stranger every detail of it." I retorted.

She hopped up off the bed and approached me, pulling me in for a hug before letting go, "Hey I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry... I know you've been through hell."

"Thank you." I smiled, "I'm gonna head home and shower real quick so I'll see you at work."

She looked at the clock on the table and raised her eyebrow amused, "You haven't got much time are you sure you wanna do that?"

"I need a shower. Especially after yesterday." I blushed.

A smug smirk grew on her face, "Okay, but if you're late, there will be consequences."

"Yeah, for you. You're the one who didn't wake me up on time." I challenged.

"We'll see about that." She grinned.

I shook my head sarcastically before hastily putting my shoes on and rushing out the door.

If I'm late because of her I swear to god.

Luckily there was no traffic so it only took me about five minutes to drive home.

As soon as I opened my front door, I noticed a pair of shoes in the hallway.

"William Beckett, you better not have broken into my house," I yelled.

He sheepishly emerged round the corner with a packet of Doritos in his hand.

Although, I think most of them were in his mouth...

"You stole my Doritos?" I glared.

"Heyyy, I thought I'd come by and check the house wasn't burgled. You know, seeing as you were at your boss's house." He attempted to explain through muffled words.

"Well that didn't go very well did it? Someone did break into my house."

He furrowed his brows, "What? Who?"

"You, dumbass." I shook my head.

"Right... Well, I'm just gonna be chilling on your couch." He said, darting into the living room before I could reply.

What an idiot...

I took the quickest shower of my life, trying my hardest not to get distracted by last night's events.

I wasn't even planning for it to happen... It kind of just did.

Not that I regret it or anything.

Barely ten minutes later, I was already out the shower and dry.

"Rory!" William shouted up the stairs.

"What?" I replied as I brushed my teeth.

"Your boss slash girlfriend is ringing you."


"She's not my girlfriend," I called back.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." I heard him mumble as he returned to the living room.

I quickly rinsed my mouth before rushing to the phone.


"Cutting it awfully close Beckett."

I could hear the smirk radiating off her words.

"Well, I'd be driving there by now if you didn't bloody ring me," I said sarcastically.

"Mhm? Well, you got ten minutes to get here." She almost laughed.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Says who?"

"Says me." She said proudly.

"I am so gonna get you back for this." I huffed.

"Sure you will. See you in ten Beckett."

And with that, she hung up the call.

Cheeky bastard.

She better be prepared because I have a plan.

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