Chapter Nine

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So it's been three weeks since I apparently got shot in a drive-by.

I've got no clue why it happened but I'm willing to bet Harris has an idea.

The last time I saw her was two weeks ago when I woke up from my medically induced coma.

The bullet did some damage to my chest so they thought it was best to let my body rest for a while.

So here I am, in my car, being driven to work by Will.

"You know, I never asked you. Why was Harris at the hospital when I woke up?"

"Oh god don't remind me... That woman is so fucking annoying. She literally never left the hospital."

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"When I came in, she was already there. When I left, she stayed. I couldn't get rid of her. I swear she slept in her car or something. She looked terrible" He ranted.

I doubt she looked terrible. I don't think it's possible for her to look anything but gorgeous.

"But I admit, I don't hate her. She literally refused to let the doctors do anything unless it physically wasn't possible for her to do." He sighed.

That's... strangely rather nice of her...

I saw a smirk creep onto his face, "She must really like you to take a whole week off work just to look after your sorry ass."

"Well, I am a handful. Even when I'm unconscious." I shrugged.

"I'll say." He rolled his eyes.

We pulled up to the car park and he turned off the engine.

"On a real note though, I'm glad you made it. God knows whose car I'd borrow if you were dead." He frowned.

I grinned, shoving him lightly, "You're such an ass, I'm leaving."

I opened the car door and took a deep breath.

"See you later twinnie." He called out.

"I'm literally twenty-five days older than you," I yelled back.

What an idiot.

Now for the devil herself.

She better be in her office... I came in a half hour early so no one would bother me on the way in.

I arrived at her office door and knocked twice.

"It's open." She called out.

I slowly entered the room.

Her whole body instantly relaxed as she stood up, dropping whatever she was holding on the desk before slowly approaching me, "Beckett?"

I cleared my throat, "You asked to see me?"

"I did?" She said confused, "Yes sorry. I did. I needed your help with something but it can wait."

"Okay. I'll be at my desk if you need me."

I turned around to open the door.

"Wait! Just... wait a second." She exclaimed.

Curious, I slowly turned to look at her only to see a broken shell of a person.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry." She spoke, slowly approaching me.

"For what?" I asked confused.

She looked down sheepishly, "It's my fault."

"I am so confused."

"I put you in that car because I was mad at myself and I shouldn't have." She choked.

I instinctively took her hand in mine, "Hey it's not your fault. You weren't driving and you didn't shoot me."

Her other hand reached up to my face, gently resting against my cheek, "J’ai besoin de toi Lorelai."

"I have no idea what you just said..."

She smirked, "Good, you're not supposed to."

"Wait did you just say my name? Like my actual name." I gasped.

"Maybe." She tried not to smile.

"Damn, first you allegedly refused to leave my side for a week and now this? I think you've gone soft."

For some reason that made the blood drain from her face and her hand fell to her side, "You heard about that?"

I nodded, slightly confused.

She gritted her teeth, "When I get my hands on your brother I swear to god..."

I raised my eyebrow, challenging her, "Hey leave him alone or you'll have me to deal with."

"On no, how terrible." She grinned.

I placed my hand on my heart, offended, "You don't think I'm capable do you?"

She leant forward so her head was right by my ear,

"Tu te mettrais à genoux pour moi à la seconde où je demanderais"

I don't know what she said but fuck me was that hot.

"Since when could you speak anything other than insults?" I asked when she returned to her original position.

She shrugged, "I was born in France."

Don't say it... Do not fucking say it...

"Hot." I grinned.

Of course.

She raised her eyebrow with a knowing smirk, "That's a first."

"Shut up," I replied, trying to hold back a smile.

"Do you speak French to people often then?"

Her eyes never left mine and neither did the smirk leave her face, "No."

"Oh, why?"

"Only special people get to hear it."


Now it's my turn to have all the blood drain from my face.

Does that make me special?

If so, what kind of special?

She briefly glanced at the clock before turning around and walking back to her desk, "You've got five minutes before your shift starts. I suggest you get settled at your desk."

"Or I could get settled on your desk," I muttered.

"What was that?" She said amused.

Oh god, did she hear me?

"Oh uh, I said I should get started on my case."

"Sure you did." She smirked.

"Okay bye now!" I said hastily running out the door, hearing a faint chuckle coming from her direction.

God almighty. I really need a cold shower...

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