Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Come on we're gonna be late." Toni moaned through broken breaths.

I lifted my head from between her legs, "Baby we've still got three minutes."

"Fine well make the most of it."

"Oh, I plan on it."

Three minutes later I returned to Toni's lips, mildly out of breath, allowing her just a taste of such excellency. 

"Alright let's go." I chirped, hopping off her and making my way out the door.

"Uh-huh." She mumbled, gasping for oxygen.

"Come on, we're gonna be late."

"You little shit." She breathed, attempting to catch up with me as I neared the car.

I put a hand to my heart, feigning offence before allowing a smirk to form on my face, "Yeah, you right."

"I'm always right." She mumbled, hopping in the passenger seat.

"Sure babes, whatever helps you sleep at night," I said, turning the ignition after getting in the car.

"You help me sleep at night." She smiled.

"Are you sure it's me and not the king-sized bed you made me buy?" I grinned.

She rolled her eyes, "Okay, I didn't MAKE you buy it, I just... strongly encouraged."

"Oh yeah sure, sTrOnGlY EnCoUrAgEd my ass into dreams and didn't get off the bed until someone had to come and ask you to bloody leave."

"They were just butthurt that I have a better girlfriend than they do." She shrugged.

"Okay true."

"See Beckett, always right." She smirked, tapping her temple with her finger.

"Mhm sure boss."

We spent another 10 minutes bigging up our bed for not breaking underneath the wrath of Harris and I's wonderful sex life.

Eventually pulling up to my parent's driveway only to be met by Will standing on the porch waiting for our arrival.

"Oh my god have I missed your sorry ass." He let out a relieved sigh.

Oh but not at me, his brilliant sister. 

No, at fucking HARRIS.

"Aww thanks, Will I missed you too." I grinned sarcastically.

"Don't worry beautiful, I miss you all the time," Toni said, kissing me on the cheek, earning a gag from Will.

"You literally live with me." I glared.

"I know." She beamed.

"Okay, I'm bored now I'm going in." William waved.

We followed right behind him, as in literally right behind him.

"Oh my fucking god will you stop stepping on my heels? What are you, twelve?" 

"No, I just love to piss you off," I smirked.

"Will you two pack it in for two bloody minutes?" Dad sighed.

"Right all three of you, in the living room. Antoinette, you may stay."

"Haha, you're in trouble." She sang in my ear under her breath.

I gently elbowed her in the side before entering the living room. 

"I love you," Toni called out after me.

"I love you too, Harris," William yelled before I could reply.

"Andouille." I heard both Mum and Toni yell from the kitchen.

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