Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to an obnoxious amount of daylight invading my eyes.

Toni needs to get some better blinds...

Speaking of, why have I woken up next to a piece of paper?

I picked it up and blinked my morning blurriness away.

Damn, that's some really nice handwriting...

'Dear Lorelai,
I gave you the day off. Don't worry, you'll still get paid.
You may as well stay. Make yourself at home, watch tv or something. Snoop around for all I care.
I'll be back at around 18:30.
If you need me, give us a bell.
See you later, Harris.
P.S. You were right, you don't snore.'

I knew I didn't snore.

Hold on... She wants me to stay?

That's so sweet.

I mean, I haven't got anything else to do so I might as well.

I checked my phone only to see it was nearly four in the evening.

How long did I fucking sleep? Jesus Christ.

I haven't slept in this late since I was a teenager.

It did feel great though, not being woken up by an alarm.

Before I got up, I stretched out like a starfish, obnoxiously groaning for added serotonin.

I should probably shower but I have no fucking clue where anything is.

If I was a goddess, where would I put my towels?

Probably in a cupboard somewhere.

I looked around the house, eventually finding a towel-worthy cupboard.

"Bingo," I said to myself proudly.

I'm such a good detective.

I may or may not have spent nearly an hour in the shower...

I couldn't help it okay, her shower is so nice and it was really warm in there.

Now I'm standing in front of her wardrobe looking for something to wear.

A glint of red caught my attention and I pulled it out to get a better look.

It was a stunning knee-length asymmetrical red dress.

It's been a while since I wore a dress I almost forgot how to put one on.

My hair was a mess but it's an easy fix.

Since it was still wet I combed it all back. I would look stupid if it was a mess seeing how smart this dress is.

Maybe I should cook her dinner or something.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

Just as I was deciding on what to make, my phone rang.

It's William. What a nice surprise.

"Hello, my favourite brother." I beamed.

"Okay first of all ew. Second, I'm your only brother and third, why the fuck are you so happy?"

"Oh no reason, I'm just chilling in Harris' kitchen," I said nonchalantly.

"Fuck off." He gasped.


"Do you want me to call back later?" He asked.

So polite.

"Nah it's okay, she's at work."

"You're there by yourself? Tell me everything." I can just imagine him waving his arm about in excitement.

"I will but first I need you to help me decide what to cook."

"Oh, that's easy, lasagne." He said.

"Why lasagne?" I questioned.

"It's her favourite food."

The fuck?

"And you know this how?"

"We were chatting about it while you were in a coma. I thought I'd get to know her a bit better seeing as you're head over heels for her. Plus I kinda hoped you'd subconsciously take in the information." He waffled.

"That's... actually really sweet. What else did you discover?" I asked.

"I found out enough to know she's not gonna screw you over. That doesn't mean she's not annoying though." He laughed.

"Well, that's good to know I guess..." I replied, taking in the information, "Will, I gotta run to the store so how about you come over on Wednesday or something."

He sighed sadly, "Promise you'll tell me everything?"

"Promise." I smiled.

"Okay, I'll text you tomorrow. See you later bestie." He said, fully knowing he's my only friend.

"Bye Will." I laughed.

I honestly don't know what I'd do without him.

I check my phone to see how long I've got until Toni gets home.

An hour and a half, not too bad.

I quickly made a list and headed to the shop. It's only a two-minute walk so I didn't bother driving.

I hope I didn't forget anything...

By time I got back and started cooking it had already been an hour.

She should just be getting off work now.

Oh god, I'm nervous, why am I nervous?

I mean I know why I'm nervous but still.

Dinner is in the oven so I should probably set the table.

Do I put some music on or is that too much?

I think I'll just switch on the tv instead. Just whilst I'm waiting...

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