Chapter Fourty - Mika/Steven

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"Care to dance? Still owe me one for earlier." 

I glanced at Keira for a second as she and Max quickly walked away to join Nate and Jessica at one of the tables across the room. I turned back and smiled, "But I don't you still owe me a game?"

"Well, yes but here's the thing...we aren't exactly on the courts right now, so your game is gonna have to wait a while. In the meantime, we should dance while we're here," he raised an eyebrow and smirked. He stood in front of me with his hands shoved into the pockets of his pants while his eyes never left mine as we talked.

"So, let me get this straight, you want to dance now and play the game you still owe me later when possible. Am I right?" he watched me silently for a few seconds before giving a small shrug and heart-stopping smile.

"Close but not quite. Actually, I was saying that you should let me have this dance and then the next one until the end, and then when possible, we can have that game I still owe you, okay. Sound good?"

"Oh, I don't know. What if I want the game before the dance?"

"Then you're out of luck."

I laughed softly and shook my head slightly, "That's never a good thing to say to someone like me, you know. I could get all crazy and yell at you for that kind of thing."

He smiled and nodded slightly, "I know but I'm pretty sure you won't. So is that a yes?"

"And what if I said no? What would you do then, huh?" I folded my arms across my chest and smiled.

"Then I guess I'm just gonna have to change your mind then, aren't I?"

"You could but I doubt it."

He raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Is that a challenge because I'm almost certain I will win?"

I shook my head and laughed, "no, it's not. I'm only saying that because I don't want to and because I'm half afraid of what you'd do to succeed."

"So what is your answer then because I can do this all day until you agree. Even if it's just for one dance, I'll accept that. Won't be happy but I'll accept it."

"In that can wait until I've finished the rest of my drink, okay. Is that alright with you?" he nodded slightly and smiled.

I picked up my almost full cup of punch and slowly started to sip the contents with a smile as he tapped his foot impatiently on the ground with a smile. I continued to sip for as long as I could before he let out an impatient breath and smiled, I laughed until he suddenly reached out and grabbed the cup away from me with a smile. Careful not to let any spill.

"What do you think you're doing? I wasn't even finished with that yet. Can I have it back please?" he shook his head and laughed while holding the drink out behind him carefully.

"No. I know what you were doing and it's not going to work, okay. I'll give it back right now if you actually drink it like a normal person and not sip it like hot coffee, okay," I nodded slightly and reached out a hand for it.

"Alright, fine. I'll drink it like a normal person but can I have it back please. I really want to finish that," he laughed softly and handed it back with a smile.

"Good. Now drink up," I slowly brought the cup up to my lips without taking my eyes away from Steven while he smiled back. I downed the rest of the drink in a few gulps and smiled slightly while holding the empty cup in my hand.

"Happy now? I've finished it," he nodded slightly and watched me as I threw the cup into the bin a few feet away.

"Yep. Now come and dance with me, Mika. I'm sure you need to let loose just once."

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