Chapter Eight - Steven

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My mind was racing with hundreds of thoughts about Mika as I slowly walked down the corridor. How soft her hair was between my fingers. The way her eyes lit up when she smiled at me. The softness of her lips when they touched mine. What it felt like when she kissed me. What it felt like when she was pressed up against me or the way that she can make my heart beat faster just by smiling at me. That smile is going to get me into trouble one day but I can't help looking forward to it. I passed a few classrooms as I walked down the corridor leading to Uncle Henry's office. When I reached his office, I stood in the doorway leaning against the frame and watched as he sat behind his desk, filling out paperwork. "What are you doing?"

"Just going over a few things, that's all. Aren't you supposed to be at home already? You don't have to come here after school everyday," he didn't look up from the papers as he continued to write.

"I know."

"Then why are you here?"

"Can't someone just go and see their uncle for no reason anymore? Why does everything have to have a reason behind it," I laughed but didn't move.

"It doesn't, it's just every time you come here it's usually because you want something."

"That was in the past, focus on the present Henry."

"What do you want, smart ass?" he dropped his pen on the desk, leaned back in his chair and smiled.

"Nothing. Honestly, I don't want anything."



"Alrighty then."

"When are you going to be finished up here?"

"Around 6."

"Okay then, oh before I forget. Can I go out tonight?"

"Told you, you wanted something."

"Fine but can I?"

"Don't be late for curfew or you're not going out next weekend."

"Yeah that's fair. See you at home Henry," I pushed off of the doorframe and turned back to the corridor.

"Bye. Say hi to Mika for me," I stopped dead and spun around to see Uncle Henry laughing as he clapped his hands.

"I'm not going to see, Mika," he looked at me and smirked when he finally stopped laughing like a hyena.

"Okay then but if you do see her, then say hi for me."

"If I do see her, I'm not saying that I will but if I do then I'll say hi for you," I walked down the corridor and headed to the parking lot in a hurry because I really didn't want to hear anymore of Henry's silly nonsense even though I am going to see Mika, but only to listen to her sing and then I'm going home, no big deal really. I just hope that she doesn't decide to hate me and sing a very rude song about me because that would be very unfortunate but she has no reason to be mad at me anymore because I think I've fixed her mood against me, well it seemed like I did anyway. When I finally got home, I went straight into my bedroom and sat down on my bed, thinking about Mika again.

God damn it, I can't get her out of my head. That girl is driving me insane but I don't want to her to stop because if she did then I'll probably go back to the way I was in Arizona: rude, ungrateful, stupid, arrogant, you name it and I was it because I got caught up in the wrong people, well that's Uncle Henry always told me in a way whenever I got into trouble with them or because of them but I didn't defriend them because I always had the tendency to do the opposite of what everyone told me to do. It was different; I was different before my parents died. I did everything that I was told because I wanted to and some things because I had too but when they weren't there anymore, something inside me snapped and I lost it. I looked for trouble everywhere I went; I was arrested once for sticking up for my best friend when an older guy decided to be a shit head and harass him about something that I don't even remember but Uncle Henry got the older man to drop the charges somehow. My best friend was a little on the short side but he was really cool and so I used to be like his bodyguard of sorts, even though he always said that he could take care of it afterwards, he always thanked me for it.

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