Chapter Thirty - Mika

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Sitting in the courtyard with both Keira and Max during lunch, she turned to me excitedly and laughed quietly with a secret smile before taking hold of my hand and giving it a tight squeeze, "Don't forget, Mika. We're going dress shopping tonight and you don't have any choice in going because whether you like it or not, you're going to the prom with us, no getting out of it this time. Besides, we really have to find you a dress that will knock Steven's socks off when he sees you when you walk through that gym door." I shook my head slowly and blew out a frustrated breath while she continued to smile like an idiot.

"Why do I have to go? I don't wear dresses and I especially don't like going to school events where I have to wear one. Or dress up or anything like that. Besides, knocking his socks isn't something I really want to do because know what, never mind. This conversation is pointless because you still won't let me get out of this. No matter how much I beg not to go, you'd both still drag me with you."

They both laughed loudly, causing a few random students to glance in our direction for a second before returning to their own business. I lowered my head to stare down at the table with a frown and closed my eyes. "What time do you expect me to go with you?"

"Right after the bell goes for the end of school, we'll head down to the mall and we'll find that amazing dress shop somewhere in that area. We are totally going to find you the perfect dress for prom. Don't you think, Max? Did you wanna come with us or are you planning on doing something else tonight?"

He shook his head slightly and laughed, "yeah, um, I'll leave that stuff for you two to figure out on your own. I'm not really into dress shopping so...sorry, I'm going straight home after school."

Keira laughed softly and smiled before turning back to me, "in that case, we'll have plenty of time to find you a dress and everything else before we get some food and head home. So...who do you think Steven's going to take to prom? I heard, like, the whole cheerleading team wants him to ask one of them but rumour has it that he's taking some girl from a school across town."

Max shot her a look and nodded discreetly in my direction, causing her to shut her mouth quickly and give a small shrug. I blew out a long breath and smiled forcibly, "It's fine. She can talk about him all she likes, I don't care. He can take whoever he wants for all I care." Shoving my book in my bag, I stood up and raked a hand into my hair slowly with a smile, "Look, I'll be in the music room if you need me, okay. Just call or text me when you're ready to go, alright."

Keira opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it again when no sound came out but by then, I was already out of earshot and wouldn't have heard her even if she said something anyway.

I marched across the courtyard and into the corridor with my head held high but my steps began to falter as I approached the music room door. Taking hold of the handle tightly, I pushed the door open and smiled when I noticed that it was completely empty without any unwanted visitors.

For the rest of the day, I played the piano while quietly singing to myself until Keira called to let me know that I'd have to meet her in the school parking lot.

Oh, sweet Jesus. I really hate shopping. Especially for prom, or any school event.

"Come on, Mika! You actually have to come out here so I can see you. I want to know what it looks like on you," I blew out a long slow breath and frowned before I slowly opened the door and peeked into the waiting area of the dress shop to see Keira waiting patiently on the couch.

"I'm not so sure this is the one for me, Keira. It doesn't feel right," she laughed softly and smiled as I opened the door wider and left the change room. When she saw me, her mouth dropped open as she stared for a few long moments before jumping up and quickly grabbing my hand, pulling me towards the full length mirror on the left wall.

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