Chapter Twenty Three - Mika

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"What's wrong, Mika? Last time we talked, you were improving your attitude but now, you're worse than before. What happened this time?" I laughed as Mr Darity watched me from behind his desk silently with questioning eyes.

"My attitude is just fine, okay. Why am I even here this time?" he sighed softly and looked down at the bunch of papers on his desk.

"You know why you're here, Mika. Now, over the last couple of weeks, a significant amount of students and faculty members have come to me and requested that we have daily sessions but considering I know all of this is just your way of coping with whatever it was my incompetent nephew did, I have decided against it but if I get one more request or complaint about you and your attitude then your parents have agreed that we will in fact have daily sessions until I have deemed it unnecessary to continue, as you may already know from our last run in after your little rage episode in the middle of Mr Steffano's science class last week. Now, tell me what happened, Mika. What did he do this time?" I forced a smile as I tried not to react to the fact that my parents have sentenced me to counseling with Mr Darity every day if someone complains about me again. Crap!

I kept my voice neutral and dead as he looked up from his papers and frowned. " could just ignore the requests and complaints from the students and faculty and tell my parents that I'm fine and don't need your help, okay. I'm sure you don't want to sit here and try to get me to tell you my problems every day since we both know you're going to get more of these so-called requests and complaints because people haven't yet got it into their thick heads to not piss me off, which they do so very often lately. I don't want to talk and you probably don't want to listen so how about you just tell my parents that I don't need to be here and let me go back to class because I can't exactly be in two places at once to do my work and talk to you every day, so...does that sound good because I think it does, plus you'll benefit from it because you'll get one more hour to do whatever it is you do when you don't have sessions with other students," he laced his fingers together and placed his hands on the desk in front of him with a smile.

"There's one issue with that. If I lie to your parents about you not needing counseling, I'll most likely get fired because instead of talking to you and persuading you to tell me what's wrong, you'll be roaming the halls, ensuing terror on the poor freshmen and sophomores of this school and I just can't let you do that. I don't know what my nephew did to you but I've heard stories about your behavior and I'm quite intrigued about the aspects of your anger issues."

"I have nothing to say about that except that I agree that I may have some anger issues and occasional unpredictable rage outbursts but that doesn't mean that I need anyone's help and I certainly don't need to be in counseling everyday because of it, okay. I'm fine with the way I am and it's not my fault if certain people have problems with it considering they're the ones that did this in the first place, so if they have a problem with it, then they should have thought twice before doing what they did," he raised an eyebrow as I shut my mouth and cursed myself for opening my big mouth about it.

"And what exactly did they do for you to become this way because when I met you, you were nothing like who you are now? I see now that this goes deeper than what Steven did so tell me...what happened for you to have such anger towards everybody here?" I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned while he continued to watch me silently.

"Let me guess, you want me to go back to the way I was before because there was a less likely chance of people getting hurt because of me. Well, let's be clear about something, okay...I like the way I am now so there's very little chance that I'll ever go back to being the tender-hearted gullible thing people always laughed at because her sister would always come up with elaborate jokes about her, okay. I see nothing wrong with the way I am and so all of this is completely pointless," he leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk as he laced his fingers behind his head and sighed softly.

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