Chapter Five - Steven

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Hey guys, I know these chapters a little long. Okay, they are pretty long if I'm being completely honest. Not gonna lie. There might be some grammar mistakes and long winded sentences but I hope you like what has been written so far. 


It's been a week since I went to Mika's house and got my song back from her. A week since she's been avoiding me and I don't know why.

I can't be that bad to be around. Can I? No, I can't because I have plenty of friends, well not a lot but I've got a few. Lincoln and Malcolm are my friends, as well as Caitlyn, Lincoln's girlfriend Lily Colva and a few others. I've hung out with them a few times outside of school at the Pizza Palace, the movies, a couple of other places that I don't know the names of and the beach. I just don't understand Mika at all, I thought that she was just a quiet girl but I was totally wrong. She's an amazing guitar player, I haven't heard her play the piano yet but I'm sure she's great at that too. She's nice and sweet at times but then she can be sassy and sarcastic at others, she's bloody gorgeous and no matter what I do to entertain myself, I just can't get her out of my head. My thoughts were interrupted when Uncle Henry knocked on my bedroom door. Leaning against the doorframe of the now open door, he looked at me and smiled. "Are you coming down for dinner or are you just gonna stay in here again?"

"What's for dinner?" I sat up on my bed and watched him as he readjusted himself against the doorframe.

"Sloppy Joes, so you coming down or not?"

"Yeah, I'll be down later," I flopped back down and slung an arm over my eyes. I heard Uncle Henry's footsteps fade down the stairs as I lied there thinking about everything that's happened in the last week. Maybe Mika just doesn't want to let down her defences? Maybe that's why she shuts me out all of the time instead of actually talking to me for a full conversation. It doesn't matter though because my plan of getting her to talk might not of happened as I had planned it but at least she explained everything, eventually. I have to fix this somehow, maybe I can convince her to come to the music room at lunch on Friday. Or maybe the beach on Saturday, nah, she won't go for that, she'll probably have some reason not to go. Man, I seriously need to think about this some more but how am I suppose to think of all of this when I can't get her out of my bloody mind. She lives behind me for god sakes and she can see into my bedroom, that doesn't help anything at all. I'll just have to get her to talk tomorrow at school. If she won't do it voluntarily, then Keira might get her to talk.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like if everything was different?" I heard Mika before I saw her as she came out from behind a tall tree. She was dressed in blue skinny jeans and a purple top that tied up around the neck and clung to her curves with a pattern of beads on the front. I stood there, shocked by how beautiful she looked. She walked towards me and smiled as she inhaled the sweet aroma of the flower in her hands. She looked up at me and laughed softly. "You look like you've just seen a ghost Steven. What's wrong?" Mika stopped a few feet in front of me and watched me intently; I smiled at her and ran my gaze down all of her.

"Nothing at all but where are we?"

"We're in the forest behind the village of Hajukama. Come on, I want to show you something," Mika walked up at me, grabbed my hand and gently pulled me along behind her as she walked deeper into the forest. We walked for about fifteen minutes before I could hear rushing water, the sound got louder as we walked towards a clearing. Mika let go of my hand and ran into the clearing, I followed her as she laughed. Once I reached the clearing, I froze when I saw Mika standing next to a giant waterfall, trees surrounded the space and flowers grew in small bunches along the edges. Mika stood there watching me and smiling as she reached out her hand towards me. I slowly walked up to her and took her hand in mine as we both laughed at how amazing this place was. "Welcome to the waterfall of dreams. People came here when they needed a dream to lead them down the right path when they head down the trail of Hope but only a few people know it's here anymore, they all forgot about it sooner or later and I found this place when I was out walking," Mika gestured with her free hand to the waterfall and everything around the clearing. Her face lit up when she talked about the waterfall.

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