Chapter Twenty One - Mika

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"You know, it could use more colour. Like red or purple, or even a little green, maybe some blue or yellow. It could change a lot," I looked to Max and smiled as he rubbed his chin between his index finger and thumb slowly while pointing at my blank canvas with a long thin paintbrush.

I looked at his canvas and laughed as I noticed that it too was blank, "maybe you should figure out yours before you tell me what I should do to mine," he laughed and brought on a very bad French accent.

"Nonsense! We must first complete one master piece before we begin the next. It is not right to start both at once," I laughed as I stared at the blank canvas for a long while until Max suddenly covered the paintbrush in his hand and flicked it at my canvas, leaving a bright yellow splatter pattern down the middle of it. I spun around and laughed as he repeated it again and again as I watched but just as I was about to turn around again, he flicked the paintbrush and splattered paint everywhere...

But not on the canvas. Instead, it was all on me.

I looked down at my now yellow splattered shirt and laughed as he watched me in utter amusement. He took one final look at me and frowned as I reached out slowly and picked up a jar of bright green paint from the table covered with jars filled to the top with different coloured paints.

Not a second later, I dunked my brush into the paint and flicked it all over Max's front as I smiled politely. He smiled and picked up another jar of paint before turning to me with a wicked glint in his eye. He flicked his brush at me again while I returned the favour. Students began laughing as we both continued to cover each other in brightly coloured paints from head to toe. All of a sudden, he picked up a large tub of bright yellow paint and up ended it all on top of my head while he laughed wickedly. I paused for a second and wiped my eyes as I laughed and picked up another tub of royal purple and tipped the entire thing on top of his head, all while we both laughed at each other. I heard the teacher yell out our names but we completely ignored her and proceeded with throwing and dumping paint all over the place as we laughed like lunatics. A few short minutes later, when we both looked as if a rainbow had thrown up all over us, my dad walked in and raised his voice loudly throughout the classroom, which was now completely covered in every paint colour they had in the room.

"Both of you stop it, now! I will not ask again," we both froze and turned to see my dad staring at us with a stern look in his eyes but I could tell that he was trying not to smile.

"Oh, hey, Mr H. What are you doing here on this fine day?" I smiled as Max laughed softly and wiped paint out of his eyes.

"Quit the chit chat, Max. What do you think you're doing?" I turned to Max and smiled as he looked at my dad in obvious amusement.

"Well, it's obvious as to what we were doing. As you can tell, we did a little painting," he gestured around the room and smiled.

"Don't be smart with me, Max," my dad clasped his hands together in front of him as he looked at us both with a smile.

"Fine, if you insist. We were talking about what to paint when out of nowhere, my hand slipped and I ended up getting paint all over Mika. So, then she flicked paint at me, which then it turned out into a full blown paint war with paint flying everything. You can guess what happened next," I looked around the room and smiled when I noticed that there really was paint everywhere, on the tables, chairs, walls , even the windows and ceiling but mostly on the floor surrounding us.

"And what do you have to say about this?"

"I guess...that it was fun and we're sorry. Although a paint war isn't something to apologise for. I mean, it's better than having her throw someone into a wall for no apparent reason. At least paint can't break your bones," I laughed as he smiled and laughed before touching his hair slightly and frowning when he realised the paint was starting to dry slowly.

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