Chapter Thirty Two - Mika

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"So...I've been told you had a little run in with some biker dude the other day at the plaza across town. Wanna tell me about it?" I inhaled sharply and frowned. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably as Mr Darity watched me from behind his desk with a smile. How the hell did he find out about Ryder?

I swallowed hard to clear my throat and forced a smile, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

He laughed softly and placed both hands on the table in front of him, "Oh, come on, Mika. You know what I'm talking about because you had witnesses that saw the whole thing."

"Who told you?" I balled my hands into tight fists and inhaled a deep breath to try and calm down. It wasn't working.

"If I tell you, do you promise not to hurt them for coming to me for advice on what to do because they were shocked about what happened?"

I clenched my teeth together and forced a smile, "Just tell me who told you. I won't hurt them, I promise, just tell me."

He laughed softly and shook his head slightly, "It wasn't just one person, it was actually three but I'm unsure if you'd actually keep that promise or just storm out of here and hurt them for blabbing about it."

Wait a second! Three people? That means...

"Keira or Max wasn't one of them, were they? I would never hurt them or anything but I just would have thought they knew how dangerous that 'biker dude' was, you know and telling people about what happened isn't exactly...a very smart choice."

"No, it wasn't either of them. But how is it dangerous? The way they described it was that...he was most likely an ex-boyfriend of some kind that didn't like being told what to do. Am I close?" I nodded slightly and frowned.

"Everything I say stays between us, right? You won't tell my parents about anything I tell you?"

He nodded slightly with a smile, "that's right. Whatever we talk about isn't going to be repeated, okay. And I won't tell your parents as long as you don't want me to."

"So everything I tell you is confidential?"

"Yes. You don't have to be afraid to open up to me about this kind of thing, Mika. Everything we discuss stays between us unless it's a matter of safety, then I'll have to tell someone but until then, it stays between us, okay."

I took a deep breath and frowned as I shifted in my seat slightly and stretched out my legs in front of me before speaking in a quiet voice, "Ryder."

"Excuse me?"

I blew out a long breath and raised my gaze to look directly as him while he watched me patiently, "The guy from the plaza, the one that hurt me, his...his name is Ryder. And you were right, he and I used to go out for a while but...then he left town to take care of a few things or whatever and we never spoke again but out of nowhere, he shows up at the mall after I knock Riley on his ass for being a dick and at first, I was shocked and scared that he was here because he's never been one to be nice to those who defy him. But we started talking and he said he changed while he was gone, which I didn't believe at all because the next thing I knew, he said he'll leave me alone if I kiss him, so I did but then he gets all...violent at me and says some things but I had to open my big mouth and say some other stuff which led him to hit me a few times before leaving. I mean, we went out for about seven months and during that time, he always treated me like I mattered but when he told me he had to leave and wouldn't be back for a long time, I got mad and dislocated his shoulder as well as giving his jaw some new colour for a few weeks and that was the last time I saw him. Now he's back and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. By himself, he isn't that bad but when he's with his other friends, I...I'm afraid of what he'll do, okay."

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