Chapter Ten - Steven

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"Yo Lincoln, can I talk to you for a sec?" I quickly rushed up to Lincoln when he turned around in the corridor.

"Yeah. What's up?" he smiled at me and then continued walking.

"If you were me, how would you stop Caitlyn from flirting with you all of the time, permanently?"

"Let me guess, that was the only way, you know who, would go out with you and considering that you're not broken, I'm guessing she's not mad anymore."

"Oh, she's still mad but she doesn't want to break me anymore."

"How did you manage that?" he raised an eyebrow as we passed a group of giggling girls huddled around each other.

"Let's just say, I was very convincing," Lincoln laughed softly and smiled at me.

"Well, if I were you, I would talk to her about it because the longer you put it off, the closer she'll get to kissing you and just so you know, you know who, will break you. There's no amount of convincing that could stop her."

"But what if you could talk to her for me, or get someone to convince her that I'm not worth the trouble or something?"

"I doubt anything I say will change her mind but you could always show her that your not interested in her but don't tell her you like, you know who, because then you'll never get her off of you."

"Yeah, you know who, already said that."

"Right, so what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. What if one of your mates gets her attention?"

"That might work but she's already been out with pretty much all of them."

"All of them?"

"Let's just say that she's been around."

"Well, okay then. So what can you do?"

"I'll try a few things but if she doesn't stop then you're going to have to talk to her yourself and if everything doesn't work out, then aren't you glad she doesn't know what, you know who, does because that would be totally worth the trouble."

"For you maybe but not for me, so can you do whatever you're going to do, let's say before Saturday?"

"Okay but why before Saturday...oh, okay. Before Saturday it is then."

"Great. I have to go now so I'll talk to you later."

"Good luck by the way, you're gonna need it," Lincoln turned around and headed around the corner just as I saw Mika walking with Keira in my direction, Keira looked up and waved at me but Mika kept her head down and walked next to Keira down the corridor. I smiled when Keira laughed at elbowed Mika in the ribs, which Mika returned. The bell rang loudly through the corridor as I headed towards my locker but stopped when I saw Caitlyn leaning against it, waiting for me. I grunted softly but continued towards my locker.

"There you are silly, I was hoping that you'd come by," Caitlyn pushed off of my locker and stepped towards me.

"It's my locker," I quickly opened my locker door and squished my bag into the tight space after I got my books out. Caitlyn stood next to me smiling in a flirtatious way that kind of annoyed me.

"What class are you in now?" Caitlyn leaned against the locker next to mine and smiled.

"Math. You?"

"Cheerleading practice. Do you want to watch?"

"Maybe some other time. I don't want to be late for class, so I have to go now," I spun around and started walking towards my first class for the day.

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