Chapter Thirty One - Mika

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"What the hell is wrong with you, Riley? Why do you constantly have the need to piss me off?" he laughed softly and ran a hand through his hair with a smile. He moved to lean against the wall of the plaza and gave a small shrug while I just stood there and watched him with a glare.

"Me? What's wrong with you, Mika? I've warned you and Keira both that he wasn't good news and yet you still didn't listen and what happened next, huh? I'll tell you, you got hurt. Again. How many times do you have to be hurt before you actually get it through your thick head that none of those guys that apparently liked you, when I damn well know they didn't, aren't good for you? Do I really have to make my life hell trying to make yours good enough that you don't end up crying in a corner because it hurts too much to bear?"

"I never asked for your help and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place. So, no matter what you think you're doing to help me, just stop before I hurt you. I don't need or want your help, so just leave me alone, Riley!"

"Why can't you see that what I did was to help you?"

I barked out a harsh laugh and gestured wildly between us with a glare, "How on earth did you help me? What you did only made matters worse. I was finally feeling something other than irritation towards everyone at school, I was finally starting to feel like I used to before all of this happened. Now, look what you've done. I hate everyone more than ever. I have to literally restrain myself from killing everyone that even breathes in my direction. So why don't you tell me again how the hell you managed to somehow help me because right now, I don't have a freaking clue what you could have possibly helped with."

"You don't get it, do you? I like you, Mika! I always have but seeing you with some other guy...I didn't like it, okay. So what if I triggered the chain of events that caused him to hurt you but sooner or later, you're going to thank me for all of this."

I blew out a frustrated breath and shook my head slightly, "I don't give a shit if you like me or not, Riley, okay. If you had just stayed out of the way, then none of this would have freaking happened and I wouldn't be feeling like a complete idiot for how I handled it the way I did with him."

Pushing off the wall, he moved to stand directly in front of me with a frown, "See, that's why you need to stop with all of this shit and trust me to make the right choices with all of this."

I jabbed a finger at his chest and glared daggers right at him, "How about you just do us both a favour and fuck off, that way I can try and piece back together what I have left of a life and try and forget all about this shit?"

"Has anyone ever told you you're hot when you're angry?" he laughed softly and smirked.

"Now is not the time for that shit, you stupid fuck! I don't like you, Riley and saying shit like that isn't going to get you anything but a knee in the groin for being a dick, okay."

"Only if it's by you, sweetheart! You know what, how about you stop being a spoilt little shit and admit that you're glad that he's gone. You're happy that he's off with every other girl at school doing everything he's ever wanted from a girl, that way you can go around and do whatever you want without Blondie complaining because he doesn't like you doing something. How about we just stop with the threats and do what I know you've wanted to do since we met as freshmen?"

I took a step back in shock and opened my mouth to say something but shut it again when no words came out.

He laughed quietly and smiled, "Look at it from my perspective, Mika, okay. I kissed you and you liked it, then you had a fight with your boyfriend and broke up, which then led you to be free again. As far as I'm concerned, you're free to do whatever you want now and that's the way I like it."

Beyond The MusicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora