Chapter Twenty Four - Steven

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"So how'd you do it? I mean, you obviously did something good because before she came here, she wanted to break you. Said so herself during our session," I laughed softly and plonked down on the couch next to Uncle Henry while we watched TV.

"It turns out that I'm very good at persuading people. But that doesn't really matter because I got what I wanted, so I'm happier than Lela with a leg of ham. How was work?" he shook his head and glanced at me for a second before turning back to the TV.

"And what exactly did you want, Steven? And it better not have happened on this couch or God help me, you'll be sleeping outside...with this couch," I laughed as he smiled before glancing down at the couch.

"No, nothing like that. What I wanted was for her not to hate me and for this whole this to go back to what it was before without the fights or arguments all the time. I've received enough threats from her to last a lifetime. So, don't worry, Uncle Henry, I can promise you that nothing like that happened on the couch. I swear it," he raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly.

"Good. It didn't happen anywhere else, did it? Because otherwise, tell me now so I can burn it," I shook my head and laughed softly.

"Nothing like that happened, I swear. We only talked and then we went up to my room and talked more before playing the guitar until you came home, that's it," I held up my hands, palms out and smiled innocently.

"Good. Now go away. I'm too tired to cook so it's pizza tonight unless you want to make yourself something," I shook my head and stood up slowly.

"Nah, pizza sounds good. I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Good to know. I probably won't. But still good to know," I laughed quietly and slowly ascended the stairs to my bedroom. Once inside, I shut my door and fell onto my back on top of the blankets covering my bed with my eyes closed. I couldn't stop the smile from reaching my lips as I thought back to when Mika lied exactly where I am right now. The way she smiled when I played something or the way she felt against me. The way it felt for her to be in my arms again after so long. I rolled onto my side and pressed my face into the blankets where she was a few short minutes ago before inhaling slightly. I smiled when I caught a short whiff of her perfume on my blanket. It smelled of honey and mint and something else I couldn't quite identify but nevertheless it smelt amazing...

Especially when it was on her.

If I tried hard enough, I could probably smell it on my shirt too but I didn't bother because I slowly rolled onto my back, grabbed a pillow from the top of my bed and propped it under my head before slowly falling into a deep and peaceful sleep. Too bad it didn't last long because when I woke up again, it was still daylight and I had somehow managed to get from my bed onto the floor. I shook my head and lied back down just as Uncle Henry came upstairs to check what fell. Once he saw me, he laughed and headed back downstairs without asking if I was okay but it didn't really surprise me when I fell asleep again and dreamed of Mika again, this time it wasn't like the usual dreams I've had lately. It was more about Mika and I dancing around an empty gym slowly with a spotlight above our heads while soft music sounded from all around us. 

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