Chapter Twelve - Steven

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I held my phone in my hand and stared down at it for a few minutes until Lincoln spoke up quietly as he and Malcolm flicked through the channels on the TV in the living room. "Wow! Whoever that was actually sounded really mad. Are you sure you're going to make them wait for longer than necessary?" I laughed softly and nodded slightly.

"It's fine. She's just got some major protective issues about this book and I honestly don't know why," I picked up her book and put it on my lap carefully before I opened the front cover slowly and peeked inside.

"Who's book is it anyway? Do they have the initials M.K or something? It says it on the front cover," I shut the book and laughed softly as I held it up in front of my face for a few seconds while I casually studied the initials on the front.

"I don't know. I mean, I know who's book it is but I have no idea what M.K stands for," I flicked open the front cover and scanned the first few pages when Lincoln glanced over at the door and sucked in a sharp breath and pointed at the book in horror or something. I don't know but he seemed to be freaked out about it.

"Please don't tell me that's Mika's book," his breathing became fast as he grabbed the book out of my hands and stood up quickly before pacing around the living room. He opened the front cover and a scanned a few pages before he laughed softly and paused for a second before turning to me with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah, it is. Why?" he shook his head and laughed again.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to actually get her to let this out of her sight, let alone leave it unattended for longer than a millisecond? How'd you get it? For as long as I've known her, she's never let anyone touch this thing. She doesn't even let Max or Keira touch it as far as I know," I stood up quickly and held out my hand for the book as he flipped it open and started flicking through the pages slowly. "You have no idea how many people want to know what she writes in this thing all the time. Some say it's her diary or journal while others say it's a list of everyone she's harmed since the start of high school. But by the looks of it, it's neither of those things...unless, you know, she writes her journal in songs or poetry or whatever but I'm leaning toward the songs. These are actually pretty amazing, guys. I wonder how you got your hands on it considering the only way you could even get it out of her hands is if she was incapacitated or distracted by something. Wait, you didn't do whatever it was just to get her book, right? Because you're as good as a dead man if that's how you got this without her knowing," he glanced at me and frowned for a second before looking back down at the book and glancing up at me for a few seconds before he broke out in a full smile with laughter. He looked back down at the book and shook his head slightly before flipping over to the next page and frowning. "Who's really good at Spanish translations because it seems as if half of these are in Spanish or something? Can you read this, Malcolm?" he turned the book to Malcolm when he stood up and grabbed the book from Lincoln's outstretched hand. He studied the book for a few minutes and smiled about a second later as he laughed softly and ran a hand into his hair slowly before glancing up at me.

"What? Can you translate?" he looked to Lincoln and laughed again as I took the book from his hands carefully and read the Spanish verses of a song that seemed to amuse Malcolm so much. I wonder what it means.

"Oh, I can translate but I don't think she'd want you to know what it says, besides if she finds out that any of us read any of this, she isn't going to care who's around when she beats the crap out of everyone in this room," he laughed softly and shook his head before going to sit back down on the couch with a smile.

Just as I was about to say something to Lincoln, he took the book out of my hands slowly and flipped the next page over, my phone started ringing loudly on the couch. We all looked towards the phone and held our breaths as we all waited for Mika to scream at us that she's going to beat the crap out of all of us if we opened that book. I slowly picked up the phone and stared down at the screen for a few seconds before answering in a normal voice. "Hello?"

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