Chapter Seventeen - Mika

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I sighed dreamily and smiled as I slowly collapsed onto my bed after climbing the stairs and stumbling back into my bedroom after watching him drive away, I draped an arm over my eyes as the sun shone through the curtains, bathing the room in golden light. A few minutes later, Keira walked in the front door and ran up the stairs and into my room with a smile on her face. She ran and jumped on my bed, landed next to me and laughed when I punched her on the arm softly before falling back and lying next to her while she laughed quietly. "So what did you do today?" she turned towards me and smiled, she raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Nothing, just watched T.V and slept until lunch," I smiled cautiously when she sat up and sniffed the air for a few seconds before turning to me and smiling broadly.

"Oh, really? Then why do you and your entire room smell like spicy fruit? I'd recognise that smell anywhere because it just happens to be the same deodorant that someone I know wears. Were you with Steven just now, Mika?"

God damn it, why does Steven have to smell so nice all of the time and why did he just happen to smell so nice today?

I laughed as Keira looked at me with a weird expression but smiled a few seconds later. I winced softly as the pain medication I took before Steven arrived started to wear off slowly but the pain was twice as bad as before as I tried not to react.

"I don't know what you're talking about because I don't smell like that at all, it's actually just my new deodorant called Crazy in Love. I don't know what it's made of but it smells really good," I clenched my jaw and smiled.

"Really? Let me see it then," I smiled as she continued to watch me.

"I don't have it anymore because it always burnt my nose and made me feel sick," I looked at her innocently as she smirked at me.

"Uh-huh. Can I ask you a question Mika?"

"Sure," she laughed softly as she lied back down and stared up at the ceiling.

"When I tell Max about the play, can you be there with me please?" I looked at her and smiled as I took her hand in mine and gave it a slight squeeze.

"Of course but I thought you were going to tell him today at school?"

"I was but I chickened out. What if he thinks that Patrick from the play is Patrick my ex? I don't want him to hate me Mika, that's the last thing I want?"

"I know. How about tonight after the gig, you tell him and I'll still be there but across the room playing a few chords on the guitar, yeah?" I smiled as she squeezed my hand back and laughed softly.

"Sure but I thought that Steven's planning to go tonight?" she looked at me and smiled as I laughed softly but stopped when I winced again.

"Nah, he can't go this weekend."

"Really? Why?"

"Apparently his grandmothers coming to visit and Mr Darity won't let him go out all weekend until she leaves but I don't know."

"That sucks."

"Yeah but at least I can sing that song at the back of my book?"


"I'm going to sing that but we'll have to practice beforehand because you're going to sing tonight with me and since you don't like major parts, you'll be the backup singer and if you want, you can sing the one song with me but please don't say no because I'll need you up there with me, I can't do it by myself because there are some parts to the song that I think you'll ace"

"Can you sing it for me, so I know the frequency I'm supposed to sing at?" I smiled as she looked at me and laughed.

"Sure," I sat up and collected my uncle's guitar from under my bed and sat next to Keira again. I smiled as I continued with a smile. "I haven't come up with a name for it yet but I was hoping that you'd think of one as I play it for you, okay."

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