Chapter Thirty Three - Mika

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She stared at us in complete shock while Nate quickly pushed me sideways and rolled me onto my back before jumping up to approach Jess while she stood frozen to the spot, staring at us both. "Jess, that wasn't what it looked like, okay. She was upset and she started crying and so we started talking and then she freaked out so I had to restrain her and then she went limp and I tried dragging her over to the couch but I tripped or something and that's why we were on the floor. Nothing happened, I swear."

She turned her focus solely onto Nate and nodded slightly while they started to talk quietly but I didn't bother trying to listen to their conversation, all I did was stare up at the boring white ceiling with a blank face and unfocused eyes, so when Jess came to stand beside me and look down at me, I didn't see her until she was right up close and I would have reacted but my entire body had gone completely numb and lost all feeling. Inside and out.

A second later, the music room door opened but I didn't bother looking up because I knew who it was by the sound of their laughter. Damn it! Why'd they have to be here?

The minute they saw me, everything went silent and you could probably hear a pin drop. Even if the floor was carpeted, you'd still hear it since all sound seemed to be turned off while everyone stared at each other. Frozen in shock until someone by the door cleared their throat softly and hesitantly approached me while the other two by the door started talking quietly with Nate and Jessica.

"Mika? Is everything okay?" Damn it, it's Lincoln!

He knelt down beside me and touched my shoulder gently with a concerned expression but I refused to answer or even move.

"What's wrong with her? Why is she on the floor?" Calvin? Oh, he just had to be here, didn't he?

"Well, um...funny thing, that. She actually, um...she's the middle of a breakdown, right now but if you're patient, she might freak out some more and need to be restrained again. But I'm hoping she doesn't because she is very heavy when it comes to holding her limp body up for twenty minutes while she ignores the world."

"What happened for her to have a breakdown? It wasn't another fight with Mills, was it?" Malcolm. You stupid son of a bitch. Why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut and eyes closed?

At the mention of his name, something inside me broke and the tears started up like a waterfall. Spilling over my cheeks like a running faucet. Crap. Would you just stop crying and get a hold of yourself, Mika? Now is not the time to cry in front of those idiots.

I rolled onto my side and hid my face behind my hair with my eyes shut tightly while they all stared at me in complete shock before Nate spoke quietly, "Thanks a lot, now she's back to crying."

"It's not my fault. How was I supposed to know that she would do this at the mention of his name? I still don't even know what the hell actually happened for her to be this way."

He blew out a deep breath and ran a hand into his hair, "That's not important, okay. What's important is putting Mika back together before she has to go home because her parents cannot see her like this."

"Why not? What's wrong with her?"

It was Jess who answered him and she was not happy, "There's nothing wrong with her, you asshole. She's just got a lot going on and you wouldn't understand so just shut up already before you make things worse than they already are."

Everyone laughed except Malcolm, but I wasn't paying much attention. Through the tears, I could just hear his reply and what he said, stopped the tears suddenly and made everything perfectly clear. "You mean the thing about that biker dude in the parking lot at the mall? Is that what she's upset about? That happened like...two days ago, why is she having a breakdown now when she didn't even shed a tear yesterday at school?" I sat up quickly and turned my body towards him slowly with a blank expression while the tears slowly started up again.

Beyond The MusicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora