Chapter Twenty Seven - Mika

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Throughout the next few days, my heart was on the verge of overloading itself as we started going everywhere together. Sometimes Keira would tag along but others it was just us. Whether to the movies and pizza, or just driving around Miami with the stereo on full. It was always fun with just the two of us. Everything was great...if only it lasted for more then just a few days.

"Hey, Mika. Can I talk to you for a second?" I frowned when I saw Riley standing against my locker with a smile in my direction. Riley was in my English class and we haven't exactly spoken much since Steven apologised.

"What about?"

"About why you decided it was such a great idea to get back together with Blondie. I mean, it's none of my business or anything, I just find it funny how no matter what he does, you always go running back with open arms and act as if nothing is wrong or ever happened. Care to explain or doesn't any of that other stuff matter because you think he's drop dead gorgeous?" I tensed slightly and pushed him aside to open my locker.

"You're right about one thing, Riley. It is none of your business so you can just stop it now and go away," he ran his tongue over the top row of his teeth with a smile and stood close.

"How can you even forgive him for what he did to you? If it were anyone else, they would have just moved on and got with someone else instead of waiting until everything was fine again," I grabbed my history book and slammed my locker shut before turning on him with a smile.

"Well, it isn't anyone else, Riley. It's me, okay. He's apologised about what he did and I'm over it, so go away and leave," he shook his head.

"You think that just because he apologised to you, he won't do it again? Have you gone delusional all of a sudden, Mika because I can tell you now that if he did it once, he'll probably do it again. You can't just let this all go," I shook my head and turned on my heel to start in the other direction when he grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me, Riley. I am not one of your stupid groupies, so I am not going to refrain from hitting you to get you to leave me alone."

"You think that you can scare me? I don't scare easily and I do not appreciate you calling my fan club stupid groupies, okay. Isn't there anything I can do to somehow change your mind?" I laughed forcibly and frowned.

"There's nothing that you could possibly do to change my mind about all of this, so let me go before you get hurt."

He laughed softly and gave me a smirk as he leaned in slightly, "Well, actually, I can think of one thing that might change your mind about all of this."

I arched a brow and frowned, "And what is that, huh?"

Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, he drew in a deep breath but a second later, he yanked me towards him roughly and crushed his lips to mine. I stood frozen for a few seconds before I finally registered what was happening and took a step back. I didn't think before I punched him right in the jaw, hard, with a glare. Causing him to stumble back into the lockers while cradling his jaw in his hand, "God damn it, Mika. What the hell is wrong with you?"

I balled my hands into tight fists and glared daggers and the asshole standing in front of me, "If this messes anything up between me and him then you'd better hope in hell that I don't find you because you will get thrown into the fucking wall, understood. Stay away from me." I flicked my hair over my shoulder and spun on my heel before storming down the corridor towards class when the bell rang loudly throughout the hallway.

Fuuuck! I really hope nobody saw that.

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