A Brothers Love

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I decided to name the baby after his father, Ethan. He is Ethans baby in every sense. He may be truly burned from his brother, but when Death bowed out Ethan happily took the lead. He fit right into the dad role with a smile on his face. Proudly showing his boy off to anyone that would listen. I liked to watch him hold the baby close at night, rocking him to sleep. The baby truly spent more time in Ethans arms than anywhere else and he seemed to absolutely love it. Little Ethan would look up to his father and coo and snuggle closer to his broad chest. He was a good baby and rarely ever cried. All in all we were a happy little family.

As little Ethan grew he became a handful, learning to crawl quickly. His growth seemed to be faster than a normal child, but not as noticeable as one might think. I was able to breastfeed the child and he took blood too everyday. He was a growing boy and ate like a pig. Ethan thought it funny how much he would consume when it came time to eat, quickly passing out for a nap afterwards in Ethans arms. As Ethans love for the child and myself grew, I began to feel something growing inside me as well. A little ray of sunshine for Ethan I could only describe as love. I loved him for how he cared for our son. It was magical to witness.

The new chapter of my life was progressing and I was more than ok with it. Now that I was back to my normal vampire self Ethan would take me out to hunt while a friend watched the boy at home. We rarely ever traveled far but Ethan was happy to show off his skill for hunting and feeding. Like the blood, I ate it up, taking in every detail he would divulge and following in his footsteps. He was training me and I was a fast learner. When I would execute a strategy for killing or sneaking up on a victim he was alway watching in the wing and offered me either praise or advice on how to better accomplish it in the future. I was tethered to my master and wanted to please him. When he praised me it felt great, it made me feel better than I had in a long time.

I discovered I was eager to please him on the hunting grounds and maybe ready to take the next steps to pleasure in the bedroom. One night as he laid little Ethan into his crib I watched him carefully. How he adored this little boy who was thrown into his life, accepting him completely and stepping up to become the father Jay never could. Something stirred inside me and I took it as a sign I was ready. Ready to give myself to Ethan completely.

Ethan had already given his whole being to me and was patiently waiting for something more, but never pressuring me or holding grudges when I turned him away. I would not turn him away tonight. Ethan slowly closed the door to the nursery and I was still staring at him, leaned casually on the wall beside the bedroom door. He looked at me and raised one brow and said "what? Did I do something wrong? Did I forget something? What are you looking at me like that for darling?"

I walked up to him and put both arms around his shoulders and ran my hands through his shiny black hair. He was taken aback, arms still hanging to his sides he was confused at first, but as I leaned in for a kiss he became aware of my intentions. When I came up for air after the deep kiss I looked into his wide eyes, "I am ready for you master, will you have me?" The familiar black began to cloud over his green eyes and his fangs elongated. He leaned in to smell me and took a deep breath before standing tall and picking me up by my ass and carrying me to the bedroom.

We entered and he kissed me again before he set me down. I began to strip my clothes off slowly and so did he. He was much bigger than Jay, a massive silhouette in the darkness of the room. He stilled and waited for my guidance. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the bed. I pushed him backward and he fell, making himself comfortable on the pillows. He put both hands behind his head and I saw his cock was fully erect. Looks like he was bigger than Jay in more ways than just muscle. I climed on top and guided him to my entrance. I slowly sank down, letting him fill me. It was euphoric, I felt loved and lust all at the same time. As I was riding him he pulled my wrist to his mouth and bit. The familiar shock waves rippled up through my arm and racked my body. The slight pull from his mouth and the steady pace of him sliding in and out had me close to the edge. I leaned down and bit his shoulder, biting deeper than usual as I climaxed.

I felt him give one final thrust and he filled me completely. I laid on his chest without moving him from inside me and he whispered the words I didn't want to hear, " I love you Nicole, and I want to spend the rest of my days showing you just how much." I raised up and was about to voice my apprehension when I noticed my bite mark on his shoulder. It had begun to grown tiny little black veins with two dots of white scar in the center. It looked like a black rose bud, right before it burst into full bloom. I had inadvertently marked him as my own. I slid up off of him and said "go look what I did to your fucking shoulder! I didn't even know I could do that!"

He walked to the mirror and laughed loud and deep, he slowly ran his hands over the mark. "I've never been marked before darling, I don't know how you did it either. Maybe because I turned you it was easier for the mark to take. Fits perfect with my other ink though I must say so myself." I laughed too. This had turned out to be a wonderful day and an even better night. Right as the thought passed through my mind another one quickly followed, and it was not my own. It was like another's thoughts had crept unto my brain and whispered the words. "The night is not over yet....Nic."

As soon as the voice went silent Ethan tensed up, listening hard. "Someone is in our house Nicole, stay here." I jumped up still naked and said "abso-fucking-loutly not! I'm coming with you." We opened the door and crept silently through the rest of the house. I could not sense anything but War was primed for the kill. Who ever had entered our house on this night had made a poor choice and would pay with their life. We searched the main parts of the house and found nothing out of place, we still had one room to check.

We walked to the nursery and I could feel the tension in the air like electricity, War was so on edge it was transferring to me. My fangs elongated and the tiny black veins emerged with the same tingle. He opened the door and a dark shadow stood by the crib, outlined by the full moon. A silhouette with no face. A master of the darkness. He did not move. He made no sound as he looked down on the baby quietly sleeping. Finally a demons voice broke the silence, errie and strange to our ears. It was the same voice in my head, whispering to me.

"You named my son Ethan." Was all he said. At that moment I knew it was Jay and he was fucking mad. He was emanating rage and fire. The tendrils of his anger filled the room and reached me and Ethan, wrapping us in an uncomfortable fear. The rage was intensifying, as the demon moved his head a fraction of an inch and whispered, "I told you I would kill you for that brother."

In one swift motion the demon transformed into the devil, like an apparition he transported from one spot to another. I didn't see his hands move, only the silence of him staring at the head slowly sliding off the strong neck it once resided on. Ethans head hit the floor with a loud thump, followed by his body crumbling to the ground. I became enraged, ready to avenge my fallen master but the pull on my true master was much too strong. Death was in control. My heart was shocked back to life with copious amount of despair but also relief that my demon prince had returned. I struggled to fight him, tried to make some move towards him to make him pay for how he tossed Wars life away but I could not. I could only bow down, falling to my knees in front of my lord and master.

With his control washing over me I was rendered useless. My head bowed I heard the twisted voice in my head whisper "I told you once Nicole, you are mine and no other will have you as long as I have breath in my body." I nodded my head.

I heard my parents voice echo in my mind....what they would say to me when I would beg them to get straight and sober, worried they would die and leave me alone.

Sweetheart, death finds us all.

The Fourth HorsemanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin