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Ethan filled my days and nights with funny stories about times gone by, watching movies with pizza, quiet evenings in the porch and lots of whiskey. He enjoyed a good shot of whiskey just Like me so we bonded over the bottle, each drinking for different reasons.

One day turned to two, then three. I watched my phone incessantly and other than a few calls and texts from Georgia all silent from Jay. Why hadn't he at least called to tell me he had arrived or he was ok or anything at all for that matter. Just called to hear my voice.

No calls came.

And on the fourth day, which was a Monday, I was scheduled to do an early shift. My first day back after a long break. Funny how I was supposed to be taking a break and enjoying my time away from the hospital but when I returned the only thing that had broken was me.

I drove myself to work and did the usual rounds. Tried to eat lunch and continued to check my phone. I couldn't wait till three when my shift was done. I clocked out and went straight home. Hoping maybe at least Jay had checked in with Ethan but he told me he had heard nothing.

I was starting to replace my sorrow with anger. I was getting mad at Jay and rightfully so. He was disregarding my feelings and I took that as a sign of disrespect. I was feeling down and out and a bit reckless so I decided to switch the night up a but. I had a desire to get fucked off vampire blood and lucky me I had one just hanging around the house. I went to the couch and sat next to Ethan who looked bored out of his mind.

"Hey Ethan, wanna make a trade?"

"What do you have in mind darling?"

"My blood for some of yours?"

His eyes started to swirl and the green was quickly replaced with that lovely deep black.

"Your trying to get me in trouble aren't you."

"Who's gonna know Ethan? Come on let's have a little fun we don't have shit else to do."
He stared at me a moment and weighed his options. "Ok Nicole I'll play along, but just a little alright?."


He put his wrist to his mouth and bit. Tiny drops of blood pooled and he held his hand out to me. I bent low and took his wrist in my mouth. My two hands grabbed his giant arm and held his wrist still. The blood hit my tongue and I pulled more into my mouth. I swallowed and pulled harder for more. This was more blood than I've ever drank and it was different than Jay's. It was tangy and sharp. Stout but tasty. I liked it. It hit me like a freight train.

Jay's blood gave me an instant high as well but the high was different. The high from War was much different than the high from Death. I loved them both.

I fell back and hit the couch in total oblivion. I was lifted and God damn I felt great. Ethan looked down at me laying back on the couch and said "my turn sweetness."

I smiled up at him and my mind started down a rabbit hole of desire. A dangerous place to be. Here I was with Jay's brother, who looked like Jay only better if that's even possible and I'm fucked off his blood, about to give him some of mine. I giggled. Giggled at how absolutely stupid I was. Moronic, eager and waiting.

"Where do you want to bite me War? You want a taste or you want a whole meal? Why don't you take your shirt off, do you have any tattoos I need to see?"

He obliged and his shirt came off at once. He too was covered in tattoos, only War chose to have his rider on his chest. Cloaked on a stallion. With the words "Red Rider" underneath.

Fuck yes he was ripped and sexy as hell. I could feel myself coming alive in all the wrong places. He took a deep breath and noticed it too.

"Nicole I'm just gonna take a little and that's it you understand? I'm not trying to have Jay all over my ass for going too far with you."

"Don't worry Ethan, I know your brother won't be resting his hat at any women's home. Jay has probably already forgotten me. In fact, fuck him. Now where you want to bite me? It's your turn."

He bent to my position and started to inhale deeply starting at my neck and moving down towards my stomach, stopping at my thighs. "I want to bite you right here.". He touched the inside of my left thigh. I took my pants off and laid back down. I raised my leg and said "she's all yours."

He grabbed my ankle and knelt down to the floor. He started at my calf and breathed against my flesh all the way up to the place he had pointed out earlier. His fangs elongated and he bit.
I almost climaxed right then and there. Wars giant body looming over me with so much kinetic power he was radiating. He was much bigger and stronger than Jay but gentle as could be while sucking on my blood.

"Fuck yes Ethan that feels so God damn good. He continued to drink and caress my other thigh. I was lost to my feelings. The pleasure and desire was racking my body when out of the blue my phone rang. I almost didn't react but Ethan shot back on his feet and said, "that's Jay."
I jumped up still dripping blood and ran to get my phone. I brought it over to the table and put the restricted caller on speaker.


"Hey babe it's Jay. How are things up there in North Carolina? Is Ethan behaving himself?"

My fucking God how in the hell could this be happening. Should I lie? Would this be a little secret between War and I or would I fess up. I was just about to come clean when I heard a female voice in the background.

"Hurry up Jay don't keep us waiting too much longer, we are both ready to take whatever you've got to give us...... it's been so long baby, hurry up. I heard a second female in the background giggling and chimed in with a "Yes baby, hurry up..... you've been gone too long."

I looked up to Ethan with a shocked face. My heart hit my feet and I wanted to throw up. This mother fucker had some balls on him.

"Who the fuck was that Jay? You've got the God damn audacity to call me after four days with some whores in the background? I've been worried sick about you but it sounds like your doing just fine. Well you have fun fucking down there in Texas. Tell ya what, you go on and get your dick wet. I've got plenty of dick here to keep me company, ain't that right Ethan. BYE JAY!"
I hung up. Livid. Scorned, betrayed and ready for some revenge fucking.

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