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Jay got fully dressed and put his boots on. I followed him into the living room to listen in on his conversation with Ethan. Jay got all the information on the vampires he was out to kill. Where they lived, what they did, and any other detail he might need. He had decided to leave immediately.

The quicker he left the faster he would return. I appreciated his mentality but wasn't happy about him leaving so soon. I was pretty high off his blood still so it helped me be brave for Jay. I knew he didn't want to go, he had to go. He was radiating energy and power. Drinking so much of my blood over the past weeks had put him in his prime. He looked and surly felt invincible, and he was.
I quickly scribbled my phone number down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. Telling him he needed to call me as often as he could. He kissed me hard one last time and went out the door. I heard the Chevelle start up and haul ass to the driveway. He was gone.

I walked to the couch and sat down by Ethan. I wasn't too happy with him and he could tell. Probably not the best idea to leave me here with this devilishly handsome man with my hormones and emotions raging but I was loyal to Jay. Right? After all, this was his brother.

But he looked so much like Jay, if Jay was totally stacked and ripped. I still hadn't said a word to Ethan and he sat next to me silently sipping his whiskey.

"Nicole, I need you to go take another shower. I can smell your desire and it's driving me absolutely wild. I have never smelled anything like you before and I am being entirely honest, I'm finding it hard to restrain myself from you."

"Well damn Ethan, your an even bigger piece of shit than I thought. Your brother been gone all of 15 minutes and here you are trying to jump in my freshly fucked pussy. What a bastard you are. Come in my house, send my man away, then try to fuck his girl. You sorry asshole!"

I was way too brave and fiery right now to hold my tongue. I was actually ready for an argument. The one meant for Jay was now Ethan's.

Ethan looked shocked but smiled wide at me!
"What a hellcat you are! My brothers in trouble!"

I narrowed my eyes at him and prepared myself for the show.

"You know what Ethan, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. God damn I knew it was too good to be true. Find a man I can love and he loves me back, but he's a slave to his father and family. The difference between me and Jay is simple. He serves y'all, I only serve him.

Got me right fucked up though ain't it. Good and fucked over."

I walked to the kitchen and threw my glass into the sink. It shattered and I imagined the shards being my willpower. Once strong and able to hold a good amount of just about anything, now broken and useless. I gathered the shards a bit too aggressively and sliced my hand wide open. The blood came flowing out fast. "Just fucking great, barely got any blood left might as well throw the rest down the drain. Fuck it."

I stood at the sink watching my blood dripping off my hand and into the drain. I hadn't realized Ethan was standing next to me with his black eyes shinning, breathing hard.

"Here ya go mother fucker drain the rest of me."

I held up my hand to Ethan and he looked from my hand to my eyes. He swooped in and put his mouth on my bleeding palm. It sent shutters down my spine. If felt amazing as he pulled blood from me. I felt his tongue lapping up the flowing blood and his large fangs delicately scraped my skin. I tilted my head back and was rewarded with the same pleasure I felt when Jay drank from me. With Jay's blood in my system still I was senseless, not in my right mind. I was seeing Jay caressing my palm and drinking from me, not his brother Ethan.

"He licked the wound one final time and stepped back. Eyes morphing from deep black to bright green. Oh fuck Nicole look what you went and made me do."

I just stared at him. "I didn't make you do shit. You did that all on your own. No one forced you to."

He wiped his face and looked at the floor. "Jays gonna be lit when he finds out I have tasted you. When I drank from you I tasted Jay and felt the warning. He's marked you hasn't he?"

"Yea he has. I thought the mark would prevent other vampires from drinking from me."

"No ordinary vampire can drink from you. The mark he left on you is strong and powerful. Only a vampire of equal strength and power is able to overcome the warning signs. I am his brother so it is easily ignored by me."

"I can understand Jay's feelings now. I understand his loyalty to you. You are a rare flower Nicole, I've never tasted anything like the blood I just pulled from your vein. What are you?

"I'm just a bitch from the South Ethan, any more questions from you tonight?"

"Yes, just one more.... you want to go sit the fuck down?"

"Don't mind if I do." I sauntered past him and walked to the couch. I fell over onto it with a ragged sigh. "What if he doesn't come back for me Ethan? What if something bad happens to him?"

"Sweetheart Jay never lost a fight. He is the bringer of death. He cannot die for he already walks among the dead. What don't you understand? If he doesn't come back to you, it's because he chooses to stay away."

I felt it right then and there. The crack and splintering of my heart as the words from Ethan echoed in my ears. He would come back unless he chooses not to. I couldn't.... wouldn't imagine a world where Jay abandoned me so I settled for a fantasy in my dreams as I drifted off to sleep. A fantasy where Jay was mine, and no one could ever take him away.

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