1- Going out

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"So are we still going out tonight? Please say yes!" Nova picked up her phone and seen the message from her new friend and neighbor, Laura.

"I think we can manage that." She decided to message back.

"Oh yay! Because I've been divorced for 6 months, I'm ready to get out there & find someone. And you can find someone too lol."

"I don't know about that, I don't know if I'm ready for that. But I'll definitely be your wing woman haha."

The girls decided to meet up in Laura's apartment to get ready.

"So, you have any suggestions on where we should go?" Nova asked as she changed into her outfit, which was a dark blue halter top with a sparkled skull on it with a black leather pleated tennis skirt that came down to her mid-thighs.

"Yeah, there's a Saloon not too far from here called Johnny's Saloon. Figured if anything we can go somewhere else if the vibe isn't what we wanted." Laura shrugged coming out of the bathroom, she was wearing a red strapless cocktail dress that came down to her thighs and topped it with a black Jean jacket.

"I've heard of that place, never been there before though. Of course I was too young to go before everything happened."

After the girls did their makeup and hair they stood together in front of the mirror.

"Damn, we're so hot tonight." Laura smirked.

"Aren't we always hot?" Nova smirked back.

"Why yes we are." Laura grin and kisses her cheek lightly.

The girls then headed out. They decided instead of one of them driving they would use a cab to go. When they got there they headed straight to the bar to get themselves a drink. As Nova looked around as she took a drink she spotted some people she recognized and smiled.

Laura seen who she was eyeballing and smirked then leaned close, "Don't think about it. Them guys are pretty popular, they're regulars around here though. But they're also in a band and they probably won't give us the time of day."

"Let me guess, Avenged Sevenfold?"

"Yup." Laura nodded surprised, "So you've heard of them then. I didn't think you would have being in that place."

Nova giggled shaking her head, "No, I uh, I've met them before going into that facility. I went to school with them."

Her eyes went wide, "Are you shitting me?! That's awesome. I wonder if they'd remember you? That one with the longer black hair and hat on, I've actually hit on him but he's got a girl. Shh, here comes one of them look away."

Nova smirked as she looked back at her drink as he walked up next to them and waved for the bartender.

"Hello Matt." Nova smiled at him.

He glances at her, "Hey." He just thought she was some fan.

She knew he probably didn't recognized her. When they were younger she had light brown curly hair that went to right past her shoulder blades, but now her hair was a light blonde with the ends and underneath blue to which she had also straightened it, which it hung down her shoulders.

"So I see you and Valary are still together, that's amazing. You guys have been together since school." Nova grinned looking towards the pool table where the group was then back at him.

"Uh yeah, she's the love of my life." He smiled as he turned towards her, "Why do I feel like I should know you from somewhere?"

"Because Nova here says she went to school with you." Laura smirked.

"No shit?"

Nova nodded as Val walked over.

"Should have known you'd get distracted talking to some fans." Val joked.

"Hello Val, man you're still beautiful." Nova smiled, "But I'm not one of those crazed fans I promise. I figured you probably don't recognize me, I'm Nova Benson."

"Nova Benson?!" Val squeeled instantly recognizing the name, "Oh my God girl! How you've been?" She pulled her into a hug.

Nova giggled as she hugged her back, "I'm doing way better then the last time you saw me."

Matt looked confused as the girls pulled away so Val spoke up, "Babe, she went to school with us. Her and Zack had a thing for each other, didn't you guys date?"

Nova frowned and nodded, "We did."

"Wait, you actually dated one of the members?!" Laura made her appearance known.

"Briefly." Nova smirked, "This is my good friend, Laura. Laura, this is Matt and Valary."

"Everyone calls me Val." After they exchanged their nice to meet you, she grabbed Nova's hand, "Come on, you have to come say hi to the rest of the group. Bring your friend, can't leave her out."

The girls giggled as Val pulled her to the group.

"You guys! Look who we ran into! You all remember Nova? Nova Benson."

Zack quickly looked over, instantly recognizing the name, "Nova?!"

"Hi Zack, long time no see." She smiled shyly, he still looked gorgeous in her eyes.

He quickly stood up and pulled her into a hug, "I've missed you." He said lowly in her ear.

As she hugged him back, she took a deep breath, "Damn, he smells amazing." She thought to herself.

He then pulled her away but left his hands on her shoulders, "How long have you been out? For months I tried seeing you and wasn't allowed."

"Yeah, I told them that I didn't want any visitors I'm sorry. But I've been out for a few months."

Truth was, after what she went through, she checked herself into a mental facility and had been in there for a couple years.

"I see you have a new person in the group of friends." Nova motioned towards Johnny. She decided to change the subject because she didn't want to talk about what's happened nor where she had been.

"Oh, yes, this short shit here is Johnny Seward. He's our newest member, he plays bass in the band." Jimmy chuckled as he patted Johnny's shoulder.

"Well it's nice to meet you Johnny." Nova smiled. "And Jimmy, no one can help they're shorter than you since you're a tall as a damn street light." Which caused them all to laugh.

"Same to you." Johnny smiled back.

"Hey, God made me tall because he couldn't fit all my awesomeness in a short body."

"Right, keep telling yourself that." She giggled jokingly as she patted his chest.

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